Indonesian catechists: New technologies, the vehicle for the faith of young people
by Mathias Hariyadi

National Conference of catechists held in Makassar (South Sulawesi). Theologians, bishops, priests and laity from 37 dioceses met to discuss the relationship between family, technological innovations and faith transmission for five days.


Jakarta (AsiaNews) - The relationship between faith and the modern technologies and faith transmission from parent to child in an environment where social networks have more and more space in the lives of today’s youth.

These were some of the themes which 110 catechists from 37 Indonesian dioceses discussed during the 11th national conference (Ppki XI) entitled: "Faith in the family: the foundation of Indonesian society in flux".

Organized in collaboration with the Indonesian Bishops Conference Catechetical Commission (Komkat KWI), the conference was hosted for five days in Makassar, the capital of southern Sulawesi.

Theologians, bishops, priests and lay catechists have contributed to the work speaking of their own educational experiences. Professor Eko Indrajid, an IT expert, explained that "we are in an era of modern communications, with a number of handy tools." "These - he continued –  run the risk of alienating people from each other, because everyone is too busy with their own gadgets and do not take the time to talk to their neighbor."

Four married couples were called to testify about the education of their children in the Catholic faith. Fr. FX Adisusanto, director of the Bishops' Conference Communications Deèartment, told AsiaNews that the theme of the relationship between the Catholic families and new technologies must be "discussed in an urgent manner" among parents, bishops and catechists. The aim is to find new ways to use the new discoveries for the good of society, placing them in modern catechesis.

Some innovative ways of communicating with young people were discussed by the participants in the conference. To promote understanding of the new social environment on the part of the Church, the bishops decided to ask some young priests to study modern technologies, so that they can help in the development of a new ministry.