Pope: Jesus asks for truth, coherence of life and rejection of hypocrisy

"Our actions are the response to God’s gratuitous love, which rectifies us and always forgives us. And our path to holiness lies in always receiving this forgiveness. " The hypocrites "trick the soul, live by trickery, holiness is a trick to them. Jesus always asks us to be truthful, but truthful in our heart and if something appears that this truth appears, that is in our heart. "

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - Jesus asks us for truth, consistency of life and rejection of hypocrisy in the awareness that the "true forgiveness of God" is "free", it comes from "His grace", "from His will", and is certainly not what the result of our own actions, said Pope Francis at Mass this morning at Casa Santa Marta.

Reflecting on the first reading of the day from St Paul’s letter to the Romans, the pope explained that God’s pardon is always freely given and not earned by what we do. The work we do, he continued, is our response to this gratuitous love and forgiveness of God, who took away original sin and who pardons our sins every time we turn to Him.

In the passage from St Luke’s Gospel, Pope Francis said, we read about another way that people seek justification, by trying to appear righteous and saintly. They are the hypocrites, he said, whose lives are filthy inside, but on the outside they try to appear virtuous and holy by showing how they fast and pray or give to charity.

In their hearts, the pope said, there is no substance, but they live by deception and theirs is a life of trickery. Jesus always asks us to be truthful in our hearts: that’s why he tells us to pray out of sight, to hide the weakness we feel when we fast, and to conceal our almsgiving, so that the left hand does not know what the right one is doing.

Jesus asks us to live coherently, Pope Francis insisted, because falsehood and hypocrisy are very bad for us. In today’s psalm, he said, we ask the Lord for the grace of truth, saying “Then I acknowledged my sin to you, my guilt I covered not”. We confess our faults to the Lord  and He takes away the our sin and guilt.

We must always be truthful with God, the pope concluded, so let us learn not to accuse others, but rather to accuse ourselves, without trying to hide our sins from the Lord.