Prayer and hymn to protect Lebanon and the world from the pandemic (VIDEO)
by Fady Noun

The wave of infections, linked to meetings and meetings for the recent holidays, does not stop in the country. Dozens of victims are daily, there are no more medicines and powdered milk on the pallets, at least 300 pharmacies closed. A special prayer to invoke the Lord's protection in these dramatic times.

Beirut (AsiaNews) - Below we present a prayer, with video, broadcast and recited in these days by Lebanese Christians. It is a special prayer to ask the Lord to spare the country - and the whole world - from epidemics, catastrophes, famines, invasions and civil wars.

In this time, it takes on a particular significance: a new coronavirus pandemic continues to spread in Lebanon with terrible consequences in terms of loss of life, hospital pressures and damage to the economy. Due to the recent peak of infections, according to experts, the outbreaks would be attributable to the meetings and celebrations of Christmas and the end of the year.

In fact, the effects of political and economic uncertainties, which are pushing Lebanon ever closer to the brink of catastrophe, are added to the health crisis linked to the pandemic. To the dozens of victims registered every day (in a small nation of six million people, of which 2 million Syrian and Palestinian refugees) are added to the already serious shortages in the supply of medicines and baby formula in pharmacies, where shelves are almost empty. At least 300 pharmacies have closed in recent months and others are destined to follow in the near future, confirming the gravity of the situation exacerbated by a real assault on supplies before the holidays.

Here is the Byzantine prayer rite of intercession against the new coronavirus pandemic:

Celebrant: Let us pray again for the faithful rulers and guardians of God; for the stability of their kingdom, for the holiness of their bodies and the salvation of their souls; so that the Lord our God may assist them, guide them in all things and smooth out the difficulties on their path, we pray together:

Chorus: Kyrie eleison (3 times)

Celebrant: Let us pray for our homeland and for those who govern it; for this city (or this village, or this holy monastery) and for the country as a whole, to protect against famine, epidemics, earth tremors, floods, fires, invasions or civil war; and so that the Lord our God, in His goodness and love for men, may be propitious and benevolent to us, that He spare us all adversities, that He free us from the just punishments that threaten us and thus has mercy on us.

Chorus: Kyrie eleison (3 times)

Celebrant: Let us pray that the Lord our God will welcome our imploring prayer,  sinners as we are and have mercy on us.

Chorus: Kyrie eleison (3 times)

Celebrant: Grant, God our Savior, the hope of those who dwell at the ends of the earth and of those who are far away at sea; be indulgent, O Master, of our sins and have mercy on us. Because you are a God of mercy, full of love for men, and we give you glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Chorus: Amen

Celebrant: Peace be with you.

Chorus: And with your spirit.

The Deacon: Let us bow our heads before the Lord

Chorus: Before you, oh Lord

The celebrant, aloud, pronounces the final blessing.