作者 Louis Raphael Sako*



巴格达(亚洲新闻) - 伊拉克库尔德斯坦独立全民投票引发了新一轮暴力浪潮,针对「尼尼微平原基督徒公民」。结果是「许多居民逃亡」,营造「新焦虑与恐惧的气氛」,最终将「引起新的分歧,防止人们重建和返回家园」。加色丁礼类思.拉斐尔.萨科宗主教(Louis Raphael I Sako)在网站上发表了一个呼吁,并发送给《亚洲新闻》。伊拉克教会领导人在信中并没有隐藏这样一个危险,即这个进一步的冲突,在这片痛苦的土地上可能会引起「基督徒进一步迁移」。

在日益紧张的情况下,71岁的库尔德领导人马苏德·巴扎尼(Massoud Barzani)宣布辞任库尔德斯坦总统,不久将于11月1日任期届满。他说,他不会再寻求连任,并开始对美国和库尔德国会一部分施加严厉的指责。巴尔扎尼谴责华盛顿已经忘记了佩斯梅加 (Peshmerga) 在与摩苏尔和伊拉克其他地区的伊斯兰国作斗争方面的根本支持。






七个月前,摩苏尔和尼尼微平原摆脱了伊斯兰国的罪恶。 然而,今天仍然有一些基督教城镇因为对家庭和基础设施造成严重破坏而仍然清空原居民。这主要是由于中央政府缺乏资金而无法重建,因为它不想让基督徒与其他优先事项同等重要。到目前为止,那些回到家园和家庭和基础设施得到修复的人,由于教会的努力,尽管资源不多,但是这样做是有效的。


自从九月份伊拉克库尔德斯坦独立全民投票,分裂欲望明显出现以来,一方面是伊拉克军队和民众动员民兵(哈斯德)之间发生了许多军事冲突, 自由斗士库尔德人在另一面。

这些冲突发生在基尼安镇尼尼微边界,最近发生在巴乔化(Baqofa)和他利斯哥夫(Teleskof)。 在最近情况中,无辜的儿童受伤,基督徒家庭的家庭已被用作防御职位。 结果是这些城镇的许多居民再次逃跑,造成巴格达和埃尔比勒之间的紧张和恐惧的冲突气氛,最终将导致新的分裂,防止人们重建和返回家园。 所有这些都将导致人们向国外进一步迁移。

为了维护伊朗的文化和人口多样性,这点在历史上对国家的复兴和活力作出了贡献,我们呼吁伊拉克人民了解基督徒在伊拉克存在的重要性,以及促使他们移民的原因。 这对伊拉克的每个人来说都是非常严重的损失。

To achieve these goals of security and stability, we ask you to:

1. Remove the Nineveh plain from the battle zones so that it stays united as it was until 2003; the central government must resume control of most of its towns, so that residents can rebuild communities with their neighbors without further clashes.

2. Incorporate the "Guardians of the Nineveh Plain" and other militant groups within the federal police, under the leadership of a united national police force where local members of the Nineveh plain are relocated within the territory, to directly secure the plane's safety. Since they are locals, the locals will certainly have more confidence in them.

3. It is necessary to nurture efforts to maintain stability, security and build trust between all groups of people on the Nineveh plain. All of us must support the uprooting of a culture that rejects the diversity, hate and negation of the other. We must change this lack of support for reconstruction and, on the contrary, pave the way for the return of displaced persons to their homes. In all this, Nineveh's inhabitants should have full access to the state-provided services and assistance in the rehabilitation of their villages, cities, churches and schools, as is the case for the inhabitants of other regions.

Finally, we turn to political parties and Christian organizations to fulfill their mission according to a principle of unity, trying to minimize differences in order to reach a common goal and open a new page in such difficult circumstances. And follow the example of the Chaldean patriarchate, which opens its heart to all, for the common good.

On this occasion, we warmly appease to the Iraqi Government and the authorities of the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan (Krg), to sit at the dialogue table and to analyze the situation, trying to solve all outstanding issues with a renewed spirit of courage and full responsibility, looking for the good of the country. To do this, both sides must know that the Iraqi people and the Kurdish people, both suffering, refuse to continue the war.

* Chaldean Patriarch of Baghdad and President of the Iraqi Bishops' Conference