

仰光(亚洲新闻)— 严厉批评煽动仇恨的言论,希望缅甸的年轻一代在未来能够享受和平与繁荣,支持昂山素季政府为解决在若开邦的人道主义危机和民族矛盾所采取的举措。这些是仰光总教区总主教貌波枢机(card. Charles Maung Bo)昨天发表的一份声明中表达的主题。这份声明是在教宗方济各即将访问缅甸的几周前发表的。貌波枢机是历史上第一个缅甸人红衣主教,他是支持人权、宗教自由、宗教间和谐与和平的最勇敢和权威的声音之一。缅甸西部的若开邦是全国最贫困的地区之一,长期以来一直是宗派主义的火药桶,这里时常上演着人口占绝大多数的佛教徒和穆斯林少数民族罗兴亚人之间的宗教冲突场。今年8月25日开始,若开邦的罗兴亚救世军(ARSA)武装分子发动袭击,在该邦北部触发了一轮新的暴力冲突,招致强大的缅甸政府军(Tatmadaw)发起的猛烈反攻。国际社会向昂山素季施加了强大压力,指责缅甸军方的军事行动,甚至要求撤销昂山素季于1991年获得的诺贝尔和平奖。尽管缅甸民主政府对军方的影响控制力十分有限,昂山素季重申将全力促成民族和解与民主发展的艰难进程。据一些分析人士说,若开邦的冲突是一些将军煽动的,目的是挫败缅甸民主力量的尝试。与此同时,也有人怀疑危机是伊斯兰原教旨主义团体发动的,目的是召唤新的圣战。为回应国际社会对缅甸民主政府的批评,仰光总主教一再强调缅甸民众的精神性,同时也指出“宗教不是若开邦冲突的原因”。自从8月暴力事件发生以来,貌波枢机在不同场合已经多次呼吁缅甸人民走向宽容和民族团结的康复之路。“我们愿与政府合作重建这个国家。一个和平与繁荣的新缅甸是可能的”,枢机在声明中总结道。


My Dear Country Men and Women, Greetings.

The world attention has been focused on the sad events of September 2017. We have requested that the world community to understand the multiple challenges Myanmar has been facing and the need for supporting our long journey towards peace and justice to all our people.

We are gladdened by the efforts of our government in implementing the Kofi Annan’s recommendations, the formation of the verification committee. We are glad to see every day the national verification Cards issued to people in Rakhine state. Our government has promised to collaborate in the return process of refugees. The dialogue between Myanmar and Bangladesh in the repatriation process is encouraging. Our government needs our appreciation and support to a very challenging process. Democratic forces need support and understanding.

We, as a nation need to turn our attention to some of our great challenges: poverty of the majority of Myanmar citizens, the suffering of millions of our youths (citizens) but treated as modern-day slaves by nearby countries in dangerous tasks, the unresolved conflicts in other areas, the mutilating menace of drugs in border areas. Myanmar youth, full-fledged citizens of this great nations, is expecting all of us to provide them quality education and employment opportunities. We need to hear their silent cries. We cannot divert our attention from issues and chronic problems of this long-suffering nation.

I urge industrialists, academicians, politicians and other professionals to construct a future that promotes peace and prosperity to our young generation. Hatred is a failure of recognizing people as humans. Hate speech frightens tourists, investors and even our friends who supported us all through these years. We need them on our journey.

I see a great moral obligation on the part of religious leaders. No religion promotes hate speech. Religious leaders need to be extremely cautious in this country. As human beings we share a common destiny. Our tears are same, our blood is same. All of us must avoid all hate speeches. Lord Buddha said, “Every human being must feel the oneness of all life: even a death of a leaf shall shatter a human heart. For a compassionate heart there is no “other”. Everyone is part of me, and I am part of every one”. This nation was nourished by such great teachings of the great leader. We cannot condone death of human life in any way. Hate speech can poison the minds and help only merchants of death. Let this nation choose life. Life matters most.

Let us join in the conversation of reconciliation and of rebuilding this golden land. Let Metta and Karuna be our two eyes. Let our tongue proclaim love to all living beings and things. Let the journey of healing start now.

Time for all of us to stop all hate speech! War and conflict would only further chronic poverty and suffering of all our people, citizens and others. Let us collaborate with the government in rebuilding this nation. A New Myanmar of peace and Prosperity is possible.


Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon