






Father, you willed that all people be saved and come to the knowledge of your truth: Jesus, your beloved Son, whom you have sent, to show us the way to you and to one another, to enable us to live his life to its fullness, and to establish your reign of peace, justice, and human solidarity.

We praise and thank you for giving him to us as our Savior and brother And for bringing us to a life of faith, hope and love. Help us to appreciate fully the faith we have received by sharing it joyfully and generously through the genuine witness of a truly Christian life.

Lord Jesus, you were born in Asia, yet your disciples remain a "little flock" in this vast continent. May all the peoples of Asia come to know and love you through the love we bear for one another and our loving service to all, especially the least among our brothers and sisters.

Holy Spirit, make Jesus truly come alive in us and empower us in our mission of making him known to all by telling the story of Jesus in Asia and by discovering the various modes of his presence: in the beauty of this great continent, the richness of our cultures and religious traditions, and above all, in implanting in the hearts of the Asian people a deep hunger and thirst for the Divine.

Speed our steps, Spirit of the Risen Lord, towards the task of encountering our brothers and sisters of other faiths and cultural traditions through dialogue of life and faith and a sincere desire to heal the many causes of conflict and animosity within our communities.

Mary, Mother of the Church in Asia and Star of the New Evangelization lead us to your Son that we may truly love him as much as you did with the passion for the will of God and the salvation of all.
