08/12/2019, 15.46


作者 Mathias Hariyadi


雅加达(亚洲新闻)- 奥斯丁修女会团体今年庆祝她们在西加里曼丹省吉打拜(Ketapang)传教的第70个年头。庆祝以三天前的游行活动来开序幕,活动有上百个年轻人参与。昨日早晨,在当地圣瑰玛·甘甘妮主教堂还举行了弥撒礼仪,晚间又在堂区教堂的花园内设有晚宴。


修女们在吉打邦,桑高(Sanggau),新当(Sintang)和坤甸市(Pontianak)(西部加里曼丹West Kalimantan )的教区工作。比约.艾尔亚·帕拉帕迪主教(Pius Riana Prapdi),吉打邦的主教,称她们为「教会的宗徒工作的先驱于教育和医疗领域」。主教表示: 「她们的服务非常出色,她们已经成功地在乡村地区中教育了许多的年轻人,允许他们去学习并掌握了许多技能」。

为此,三天前的庆典中,有不少年轻的男孩女孩加入。他们都是圣奥斯丁中学,圣伯多禄高中和圣召学校的学生们,这些学校都是修女们运营的。他们纷纷来到修女们吉打邦的修院中,他们还一路上念着玫瑰经。在他们中间有团体省会长露琪亚-瓦玉(Lucia Wahyu)和从欧洲来的最后一名创会修女迪奥妮(Dionne Appelman)。

在治安维护方面,除了当地的警方,还有年轻基督徒组成的Dayak Youth Organization组织成员。


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Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang
Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang
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Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang
Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang
Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang
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Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang
Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang
Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang
Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang
Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang
Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang
Celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy (OSA) in Ketapang

“L’Asia: ecco il nostro comune compito per il terzo millennio!” - Giovanni Paolo II, da “Alzatevi, andiamo”