Maronite Church reflects on solving exodus of Eastern Christians

Beirut (AsiaNews) –  Yesterday, March 4, at the patriarchal seat in Bkerke, 3 days of reflection got underway among Maronite bishops, who had gathered there from all parts of the world. The 4 topics in need of a quick solution are all linked to the problem of the unstoppable exodus of Christians from the East –particularly from the Maronite community.     

The four issues bishops will analyze are: the Maronite identity of its members dispersed throughout the world; pastoral and apostolic work in distant lands; the demands of new Church organizations abroad; and the strategy of how to build up the presence of the Maronite Church throughout the world.

The tone of the inaugural session was set by Cardinal Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir's address, during which he said that there is an extraordinary difference between what is "essential" and that which is "accessory". "The Maronite identity is a compound identity, (made up) especially of its Church members spread across the world…," the patriarch said. "Maronites belong to the Maronite, Syriac, Antiochan and Catholic Church." What is essential is that Maronites remain as such "from a religious, doctrinal, ethical and cultural point of view."      

The most hotly debated issue is over whether the Syriac language should remain part of the liturgy in church services held abroad. Patriarch Sfeir spoke in favor of keeping the original ancient language which "gives the liturgy an original flavor", citing the Armenian Church as his supporting example. "Armenians have safeguarded their language in general and this has helped them not sink amidst surrounding influences, despite knowing other languages."

Different than the Armenian Church, the Maronite Church abroad finds great difficulties in gathering together its faithful, due to the great diaspora of its members following the outbreak of war in Lebanon. "There is not a fall in vocations among Maronites," said the patriarch. But abroad such vocations "often increase numbers in the Latin-rite Church."   

Conclusions from the meetings well be released in a document on Saturday, March 6. The conclusions will form part of final draft of a document concerning "the Maronite Church and the World of Immigration", which will be discussed and approved by the Patriarchal Maronite Synod for next October.  (PB)