Parsi: "Hostages freed, UN resolution almost approved: positive developments for Iraq"

Milan (AsiaNews) – The freeing of the three Italian hostages and the approval of the UN resolution would seem to indicate a positive turning point in the Iraq crisis.  The isolation of extremist militias and renewed multilateralism are opening positive horizons for the situation in Iraq.

Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, professor of International Relations at the Catholic University of Milan, comments on these developments for AsiaNews.

The Italian hostages were freed....

Without doubt, a joyous event.  Without forgetting however that one of the four was killed.

Just a few days ago, Iraqi Prime Minister, Allawi, gave assurances on the disbanding of irregular militia: a coincidence with the freeing of the three Italian hostages?

It's a possibility.  The creation of an Iraqi government, the approval of the UN resolution are isolating the extremist factions.  The liberation of our three countrymen may have coincided with this change in situation.

Liberation not release...

That's right.  It should be noted that no bargaining was conducted for their release.  In fact, the three Italians were freed by military police action.  The coalition forces are to be thanked for this.

The U.N. resolution is going to be approved in a few hours, marking the return of multilateralism in the Iraq crisis.

The turn to multilateralism occurred when the U.N. Security Council formalized convergences on the resolution.  The Iraq crisis returned to the sphere of international legality and multilateralism, in which the Family of Nations – as the Pope says – can cooperate to ensure international security and democracy in peace and justice.  I think that, at this juncture, an awareness is being reached that the international community, in unity and without sterile confrontations, can resolve many problems.