The effects of Venus passing the sun: no marriages, lots of rain

(AsiaNews/TI) –  The rain is coming. It's astrologers who are predicting it this time, not meteorologists.  If the transit of Venus lasts only a few hours, the effect of the planetary passage could last until July 31st, according to Indian astrologists, who are, however, divided over the effects of the celestial phenomenon.

"Marriages are an absolute no-no during this period. Also, one should avoid taking up any new projects right now," says astrologer S.P. Shastri. He reasons that Venus is, in fact, the 'planet of bal', or of strength. When it moves too close to the sun, it loses power. Without its energy, it is better not to begin something new.

 Chitra, another astrologor, on the other hand, denies this rationale: "The phenomenon is not related to marriages." Chitra believes that the effect will only be on individuals according to their horoscopes and even suggests a favorable outcome, "In fact, it will give a boost to the financial markets."

Others, like K N Rao refuse to discuss the matter: "Since the Transit is occurring after a period of 122 years, not many of us have seen one!" he says, commenting that with no research, it is better not to make predictions.

 The pessimistic Shastri, besides the advisement of heavy rain and  to hold off on the wedding ceremonies, expects a fall in the sale of jewelry, cosmetics, clothes and tourism.  "People will have  a feeling of negativity," the astrologist added, cautioning as well that diabetics and those with heart and kidney ailments could have trouble.

The only good thing is that all this should only  last until June 15. 

Always positive is the interpretation of Chitra: "This will bring about an improvement in the living conditions of people, it is good for events related to culture and beauty. And the good news should last all the way through July 31st.