Viewers react to " Passion of the Christ"
Film inspires new evangelical fervor among priests

Faisalabad (AsiaNews) -  "It is the first time that a Christian faith film has gotten so much popularity in Pakistani media," Fr. Pascal, parish priest of Holy Rosary Church in Warispura told AsiaNews of the film the Passion of the Christ, directed by Mel Gibson. "Many secular magazines have published articles about the film, and a number of Muslims have seen it." He added, "The film breaks the record of Ben Hur and Titanic."

The block-buster film was released in the country in April. "The fact that the film was released during Lent increased its effect," commented Fr. Patrick, OP, of the Warus Pura Parish in Faisalabad. "People really recognize the passion of Christ, and felt the pain of it deeply." He was moved by  Judas' character and depiction who, after receiving money for Jesus Christ, looked like a possessed man and hung himself near a dead carcass. "It was a great symbolic visualization of guilt and regret," he said.

"The Passion of Christ is a masterpiece of  Gibson,  a very good movie which nourishes one's faith as a good Catholic. The movie has drawn all people's attention towards the true faith of Christianity."

The viewers commented on the question of excessive violence as well. "The suffering and passion is very clear, and they touch whoever watches it. I was so taken up with it that I personally felt that there was too much of Jesus' suffering shown," commented Father Patrick.

James Lal, Director of the Teachers' teams-Pakistan, felt the film showed too much violence and was a bit exaggerated. "Some scenes are not from the Bible, like the crow snatching the eye of the thief near Jesus on the cross, and Judas hanging himself on a tree. We don't read such things in the Bible." he added.

Yet, the film has given rise to greater evangelical fervor. "After watching this movie I feel that my faith has become strong enough to announce the death and resurrection of Jesus," Father Patrick stated.
