Seoul (AsiaNews) – The former Archbishop of Lusaka, Emmanuel Milingo, “is a danger for South Korea’s Catholics, who must avoid him and above all not become involved in his activity, clearly condemned by the Universal Church”. This warning was launched by the Korean Bishops Conference, which underlined in its weekly bulletin the separation of Milingo with the Catholic Church.
Milingo, excommunicated by the Catholic Church for having illicitly ordained four bishops in 2006 appeared in Seoul city centre at the beginning of 2007. Since then, he has not left South Korea if only for brief visits to the United States. The former prelate has repeatedly asked the Vatican to allow priests to marry, and founded the movement “Married Priest Now”, in which he illicitly ordains married priests and bishops.
A source in Seoul told AsiaNews: “Since he al lied himself to the Unified Church [the religious group founded by reverend Moon, a Korean who celebrates mass pseudo-catholic weddings not recognised by Rome ndr], Milingo has considered Korea as excellent hunting grounds”.
Besides his closeness to Moon, in fact, “he also married a native of Seoul, Maria Sung, who has pushed him to carry out apostolate work among Koreans. On many occasions the former archbishop has tried to contact us, but has never received an answer. Now we know that, with the financial help of Moon, he is planning something, but we don’t quite know what”.
This is why, the source concludes, “we felt the need to warn the public. Milingo’s words may draw in many faithful, and perhaps even some young inexperienced priests. This must be avoided at all costs because those who chose to follow risk being excommunicated”.