Hu Jintao’s promises to the 17th Congress
In a speech lasting over 2 hours the CCP secretary general promises greater wealth for all, more democracy, less pollution and corruption. A new factor: conciliatory tones with Taiwan.

Beijing (AsiaNews) – A lengthy speech littered with promises by Hu Jintao opened the 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) today in the Great Hall of the people in Beijing.   In his prelude of over 2 and half hours, the general secretary of the CCP (and President of the Republic) guaranteed that China will continue its economic growth quadrupling its per capita gross national product by 2020. But this economic growth will have to be accompanied by greater care for the environment and a reduction in consumption, reaffirming one of his favourite slogans “scientific development”.

In the speech drenched in communist rhetoric, Hu underlined that the Party will take care to “put people first” and to activate a series of reforms to bridge the abyss between rich and poor, strengthen the middle class, educate poor farmers for free, so that the entire population can enjoy the right to work, the right to have access to health care, pension funds and a home.  The phrase "reform and opening up" was mentioned more than 30 times in his two-and-half-hour keynote speech. In the meantime outside the hall, police arrested dozens of people who wished to present petitions.

 “Democracy” was another over-used word in his speech: it appeared over 60 times.  Hu promised to develop a “people’s democracy” strengthening “democracy within the Party”.  Making many of the government posts elective, to guarantee that it is the “people who are the masters” of the nations.

Hu also promised a war on corruption, recalling that already in 2006 over 90 thousand members  were called to discipline.  He urged the entire CCP to “obey the constitution and the law”, so as not to let “people’s expectations” down.

Referring to one of his other favourite slogans “a harmonious society”, he showed how the ancient Chinese philosophy of harmony has been enshrined in China's domestic policies, and he said China is also introducing it to the world by calling for building a “harmonious world”. In this sense – he clarified - China rejects “all forms of dominance” and claimed that "China follows a national defence policy that is defensive in nature, and it does not engage in arms race or pose a military threat to any other country”.

Hu used soft tones when speaking of Taiwan. He condemned its attempts for “independence”, but pushed for the opening of dialogue: “we want to make a solemn appeal on the basis of the one-China principle, let us discuss a formal end to the state of hostility between the two sides, reach a peace agreement”.

As if to smother all rumours on the division between the “Shanghai clique” and groups loyal to Hu, Congress voted Zeng Qinghong as working secretary. Zeng is a great friend of Jiang Zemin, considered Hu’s great rival, and the chief point of reference for the “Shanghai clique”. In a sign of apparent unity, the various “souls” of the Party are present in the Great Hall: Li Peng, the “Tiananmen butcher”, ex Premier Zhu Rongji, ex President Jiang Zemin and even Qiao Shi, ex president of the National People's Congress, marginalised in ’98 by Jiang and silenced.  Giving a new glimmer to the Party image there were also representatives from the world of sport and high finance, the latter among the richest people in the world.

Over 800 thousand people were drafted in to guarantee the Congress security.  To give the impression of “openness” towards the international community, the communications department will allow 1000 foreign journalists to participate in meetings and discussions and 34 of the 38 delegations.  Meanwhile however, Chinese papers have been banned from printing “inharmonious” reports on scandals, revolts, disasters’, religious issues or petitions.