Mosques multiply on border, New Delhi asks Kathmandu for closer supervision
by Kalpit Parajuli
The Indian intelligence bureau is afraid of an eruption of terrorist activities amid the creation of mosques and madrasahs in Nepal. Accusations against Pakistan, believed to be using the mosques to create problems for India.

Kathmandu (AsiaNews) - The Indian government is afraid of the rapid growth of mosques and madrasahs on the border that separates it from Nepal, and is asking Kathmandu to watch the activities taking place inside them, and the Islamic teachers who work there, suspected of terrorism.  According to New Delhi, Pakistan could be behind this increase in Muslim religious institutions.

An official of the Indian intelligence bureau, who is carrying out a census of the population on the border, says: "We have got some reports that say madrasahs and mosques are growing rapidly. It signals the Muslim population at the border area is increasing".

The Indian government has asked Kathmandu to keep close watch over what is happening in these places, which may be backed by the Pakistani government, with the intention of creating problems for India.  According to the data, the greatest concentration of mosques is found around Achham, on the western border of Nepal.  Many Muslim immigrants who have entered the country illegally live in that area.

According to a report from the New Delhi intelligence agency, "most of [the 820 mosques] were established in cooperation with Pakistan's terrorists for anti-Indian activities. They are getting illegal help from Saudi-Arabia, Kuwait, Libya and other Islamic countries".

The head of the district of Kapulbastu, Rambilas Raya Yadav, rejects the accusations: "All of the madrasahs are registered, and they carry out only religious activities. It is true that the mosques are not registered, but they are closely monitored".