Patriarch Sfeir concerned about Lahoud's mandate extension

Beirut (AsiaNews – DS) - Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Nasrallah Butros Sfeir fears that social and political difficulties would come for the Lebanese people, following the parliament decision to amend the Constitution over the UN Security Council's strong objection.

In his Sunday Mass in Diman, he said : "Everyone knows that Lebanon desperately needs to maintain our international legitimacy because of the economic burdens and social and political difficulties we face. We only hope the Lebanese people would not have to suffer the negative consequences of the event".

The Patriarch's reaction came in the in the aftermath of President Emile Lahoud's 3-year term extension, which stirred strong and varying criticism from the Lebanese politicians, religious personalities and party leaders.

The strongest reaction came from the Qornet Shehwan group (which gathers many Christian legislators). The group convened in Diman on Saturday and criticized the constitutional amendment calling on Lahoud "to back out from this horrendous blunder."

In addressing the Qornet Shehwan legislators, card. Sfeir stressed the theme of "unity," warning that "any division would benefit the neighbours and sabotage our interests and aspirations."

"We are faced with forces trying to rob us of our will and dignity," the Patriarch said. He maintained, however, that he would still be the fatherly guide to all Lebanese citizens - including those who voted for Lahoud. "If one of my sons went astray, he would still need our guidance, nevertheless," he said.

Sfeir added that, "we had to come out strongly and talk loudly about our economic, political and social problems and to be open and clear about the real causes behind these troubles," pointing at the Syrian interference in Lebanese decision making.

Other factions in Lebanon, led most prominently by Hizbullah, moved over the weekend to declare their solidarity with Lahoud and the Syrian decision.

In his speech on Saturday, Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah defended the continuous presence of the Syrian troops as "a Lebanese necessity."