Pope: May Mary shield a humanity beset by bursts of violence

John Paul II repeats orders to Catholic Action: contemplation, unity, mission.

Castel Gandolfo (AsiaNews) – In a tired voice and breathing with difficulty, John Paul II offered up a sorrowful prayer to Mary in today's Angelus calling on Her to "shield humanity at a time of disturbing bursts of violence".

In a week marked by the slaughter in Ossetia, abductions in Iraq and the September 11 remembrance, the Pope asked Our Lady to shield "the new generations who want to build a future of hope for all".

Thinking about young people and Mary brought back memories of last Sunday's Loreto Catholic Action pilgrimage. To the young and the not so young who hope for "a word of justice and peace," the Pontiff pointed the way as to how they as Christians can bear witness: through contemplation, a relationship with Christ, unity with the Church hierarchy and other Church groups, and serving in mission as the Gospel's leaven whatever the circumstances. "Our society seeks peace" and hope, the Pope said, and needs "generous witnesses bearing the Good Word of the Gospels".

Here is what the Pope said in ahead of the Marian prayer:

According to an ancient tradition, today is the day we celebrate the Name of Mary. Her name is closely tied to that of Jesus and for Christians it is the sweetest one because it reminds us of our common Mother. As he was dying Jesus commended us to her as her own children.

May Mary shield humanity at a time of disturbing bursts of violence. May she shield more than ever the young generations who want to build a future of hope for all.

I felt this urge for a world of justice and peace among the young and the not so young members of the Italian branch of Catholic Action whom I met last Sunday in Loreto on the occasion of the organisation's national pilgrimage.

I am grateful to the Lord for the chance I had to take part in that important Church event which culminated in the proclamation of three new Blessed: Alberto Marvelli, Pina Suriano and Pietro Tarrés i Claret.

Recalling their witness, I wish to remind each and everyone of you of the three orders I gave to Catholic Action: 'contemplation', so that you may walk the path to holiness; 'communion', so that you may promote unity's spiritual dimension; mission, so that you may be the Gospel's leaven everywhere.

May Our Lady help Catholic Action pursue its tasks with enthusiasm as apostolic witness working in close cooperation with the Church hierarchy and responsibly taking part in the pastoral work of parish and diocese.

The Church relies on Catholic Action's active presence and its faithful devotion to the great cause that is God's Kingdom.

I look at Catholic Action with great confidence and I encourage all its members to be generous witnesses bearing the Good Word of the Gospels through which hope can return to today's peace-hungry world.