Beijing (AsiaNews/Agencies) – China's exports fell 25.7 % in February from a year earlier. Imports fell 24.1%, the General Administration of Customs also announced today. Economist’s forecasts had put the slide at 5% exports and 25% imports.
The new data confirms the worrying slowdown in the Chinese economy, the third strongest in the world, and up until now based on exports, a sector now in crisis because of the global economic situation.
Reductions in exports are creating heavy unemployment. Businesses which relied upon foreign orders are closing without notice, leaving thousands of workers on the streets without jobs. According to academics of the Chinese communist party, this year the government will have to find work for an estimated 50 million people.
In order to halt the effects of the crises, linked to exports, the government has planned to increase internal demand, by adopting a packet of measures worth 4 trillion Yuan (over 400 billion Euro) as well as tax relief for exporters and investment in large infrastructural projects.