P. Thomas: Christians of Orissa an example of faith for the universal Church
by Thomas Chellan
The speech made by F. Thomas Chellan on receiving the “Defensor Fidei” award. The Indian priest was among the first victims of the Hindu fundamentalist violence in Orissa. Dedicated to the Christians of Kandhamal, killed because of their “resolute” faith in Christ.

Oreno (AsiaNews) – Today Oreno di Vimercate, Monza province, in Fr. Thomas Chellan receives the “Defensor Fidei” award 2009. Organised by the “Fides et Ratio” Foundation in collaboration with the Catholic monthly “Il Timone”, the prize is being awarded to the Indian priest for his witness to the faith. On August 25, 2008, two days into the pogrom against Christians, a group of about 50 Hindu thugs set upon him, stripped him naked and savagely beat him with sticks, axes and launches.  A religious sister working with him was subjected to the same violence. In his acceptance speech the priest gives thanks fro the solidarity shown towards the persecuted of Orissa and reaffirms that Christian faith is the path of progress for India and the Dahlits.  He also recalls the work of missionaries who preceded him, soling “the seeds of the Universal Church” and asks that we do not look upon the faithful of Kandhamal only with “pity”, but that we “imitate them in their faith”.  Below we publish the full text of Fr. Thomas’ speech.

I dedicate this Award to all the persecuted Christians in Kandhamal, especially to those who lost their lives and stood by their faith

When I received news of this award, I was overwhelmed, by the solidarity of Faith. Our Faith makes us one family, unites and bonds Christians beyond geographical borders, beyond barriers of ethnicity, nationality or, language. Beyond the limits of territorial boundaries. Faith makes us one family. I am grateful to be here with all of you.

There were moments of crises, I felt rejected from the place , from the people I knew, and when the news of this award was given to me- from someone, whom I have never seen or heard from, they called me and  offered their solidarity , I felt a deep sense of solidarity and comfort. I felt I was not left alone in my suffering, I was consoled that I was not abandoned, and I marvelled that it was because of my faith, I endured the persecution and no it was only because of my faith, I have been embraced by universal solidarity, Faith Unites, Faith Bonds and Faith Heals and Faith forgives…and this brings a lot of joy.

The history of the Church [this is the place where I become aware that] teaches us to experience Joy through suffering, a faith that is tested through trails, and this is the history of the Church universal, not just Orissa, and if we trace the history of Christians, they have gone through this struggle and persecution.

I firmly believe, that from these of Christians of Kandhamal, will spring forth new life of the Risen Christ.

In the past twenty years, the Dalits population of Kandhamal has made tremendous in the field of education, and their own economic growth and development. An ostracised people changed from a ‘dependency module to a module of self sufficiency’, and people who were considered untouchables, now claiming their rightful place in society. And the Church has played a role in this transformation of these people. Those who have opposed this empowerment of the dalit community have reacted in the name of religion.

Mother Teresa and Saint Alphonsa whom the universal church honours, did not fight any unjust strictures, rather with their Love, Service and Simplicity have worked to help relieve the sufferings of the poorest of the poor…….today we honour them.

This is the attitude of the Church in India, we continue serving the oppressed, the marginalised, those whom society rejects, irrespective of caste or creed, we are not in any agitated mood, we forgive them we will continue to serve even those who have done unspeakable harm to us.

I too, look forward to continue my mission in Kandhamal, to live in the villages and serve the people.

The Church in India and especially in Orissa is now a fruit of the Christian missionaries who came under very difficult circumstances, today we enjoy the comforts of electricity, transports, telecommunications…..when missionaries came to Orissa nearly 100 years ago, they underwent such hardships and trials .sowing the seeds for the church.

Whatever is there of the Church in Orissa (or least of the remains of the Church in Kandhamal), whatever was built up, -is only the fruit of the unsung Christian Missionaries of the past. Today, thanks to the media, news and information gets disseminated instantly. Christian missionaries- many from foreign lands- have been selflessly and tirelessly working there for more than 100 years, without any of the modern conveniences. These Missionaries have endured much suffering to build up and empower the people, and we are only enjoying the fruits of their labour of love 

So as the Bible says ‘You received without charge, you give without charge’, so even in the days ahead, we continue our mission in the footsteps of the masters;” If you wish to be my disciple, take up your cross and follow me.”

In India, the Church has been at the service of all peoples, in the field of education, health, welfare ministries, empowering people through our mission and service.

The Catholic Church has more than 20,000 educational institutions, 15,000 schools, 300 colleges, 115 nursing schools, 5,000 hospitals/clinics, 2,000 rehabilitation centres, 1,500 technical schools, 6 medical colleges, 22 % of the health care facilities are run by Catholic Institutions.

The Indian Episcopal Conference is the fourth largest, with 180 Bishops, 100 thousand nuns, 25,000 priests. 

The Universal Church has to look at Kandhamal with admiration, with awe for the Faith of the people, like Christ these people were also tempted – (to become Hindus) but they resisted, strong in faith, they went through the persecution – yet they choose Christianity, they professed their Faith in Christi and many were killed because of their resolute belief in Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The world should not pity the Christians who underwent the trials and persecutions, they are to be held in high esteem and emulated for their faith.

My own Calvary is nothing compared to the sufferings of the Kandhamal Christians.

Finally I would like my sincere gratitude to Gianpaolo Barra editor of “Il Timone”  and president of the “Fides et Ratio” Foundation;  Fr Bernardo Cervellera, Director, Asia News, who told the story of  persecution of Orissa to the world and continues to promote Human Rights and Religious Freedom for our Kandhamal Christians; Fr Theodore Mascarenhas, Asia Desk, Pontifical Council for Culture, who has been a willing collaborator and has been coordinating all my  documents and Visa for my travel to Italy for this Award;  and Riccardo [Cascioli] who has been most  helpful.