Sri Lanka government to spend more than a billion rupees on education for war-affected students
by Melani Manel Perera
Funds come from the Asian Development Bank and World Bank. Jaffna University and future university in Vavuniya (to open in 2011) are the beneficiaries.

Colombo (AsiaNews) – The Sri Lankan government is going to spend 1.058 billion rupees (US$ 9 million), provided by the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, for war-displaced youth unable to pursue higher education because of the conflict between Tamil Tigers and the military in the northern part of the country.

The initiative falls under the Uthuru Vasanthaya Northern Development Program which is designed to rebuild the northern regions of the island, Education Minister Susil Premjayanth said.

One project, estimated at 23 million rupees, will allow courses to start again at Jaffna University. Another one (90 million) will build a hostel for medical students at the same institution.

Some 609 million rupees will go for the construction of academic and administrative buildings at the Jaffna Institute of Higher Technological Education, whilst another 14.5 million have been earmarked for improvement on its infrastructure.

Steps have also been taken to set up a new Institute of Higher Technology at Vavuniya which will cost 65 million rupees.

Some 60 millions have been allocated for improvement of basic facilities at the new university under construction in Vavuniya due to be completed in 2011, the Ministry added.