Despite bans, demonstrators took to the streets yesterday in Tehran
Hundreds of officers have beaten people and arrested dozens more. The saga of Vice-President Mashai continues: yesterday a member of parliament argued that the Supreme Guide had Ahmadinejad to "re-think" the appointment. Two more journalists arrested.

Beirut (AsiaNews) – Clashes between police and demonstrators sprung back to life yesterday afternoon in Tehran,  as the demonstrators marked 30 days since the death of Agha Neda Soltan, the young girl killed on June 20 who has became the icon of protests against the manipulation of the presidential vote. In this context, the official IRNA agency reported a statement from the police chief, Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam, who warned that officials "will deal with anyone who violates the law, regardless of their status”.  An obvious threat to religious and political leaders of the opposition.

The same agency announced the submission of a report on post-election protests to the president of the parliament (the Majlis), Ali Larjani. It will be drafted by the parliamentary committee for national security and foreign policy.  

It is not the only voice on the issue expressed by deputies.  The unofficial ISNA reports the statement of Vice-President of the Majlis, Mohammad-Hassan Aboutorabi-Fard, according to whom the Supreme Guide Ali Khamenei, has asked President Ahmadiejad to change his decision on the appointment of Esfandyar-Rahim Mashai a first vice president. The issue is a sign of the contrasts that exist in the country's leadership. Mashai was appointed last Thursday, provoking criticism from staunch conservative. Sunday his resignation was announced, only to be denied by Mashai Monday. Yesterday the highest authority of the country was called into question.

As for the yesterday’s events, witnesses cited by the Gulf Daily News  say that the demonstrators chanted slogans like "Ahmadinejad resign, resign”.  “The riot police took dozens of protesters who had gathered in the Haft-e Tir square central, despite the ban by authorities, and loaded them onto security trucks" "There were hundreds of riot police and plainclothes officers who beat people."  

According to Rooz, an expatriate dissidents paper, a few days ago two more journalists were arrested: Marjan Abdollahian and Koroush Javan, which brings to 43 the press operators currently in prison. (PD)