Philippine Catholic women: apostolate in families increases vocations
by Santosh Digal
In the Year for Priests renewed the commitment of the laity to support the crisis of vocations. In a scenario that sees fewer and fewer young people willing to serve God and the Church, the relationship between parents and children becomes the first step to form the faith and future priests.

Manila (AsiaNews) - Promoting apostolate and faith in families, this is the main objective of the Catholic Women's League Philippines. Founded about 52 years ago today the organization is active throughout the country and operates in 85 of the archdiocese, diocese, prelatures and apostolic vicariates.

AsiaNews interviewed the President of the CWL Josephine S. Gavioli who says that "vocations to the priesthood come from Catholic families. This is possible only when there is an apostolate close to the family”.  The president of the organisation continues defining "the family as domestic church, which is to be carefully and consistently guided”.

The CWL is at the service of ecclesial pastoral family care. Its main activities, in addition to safeguarding the rights of women, especially regards the spiritual formation of families and young people. The work done by its members, especially mothers, and it is designed to strengthen bonds between parents and children. Thus families become aware of the importance of putting their children at the service of God and the Church.

Regarding the work of the laity Josephine Gavioli says that "on the occasion of the Year for Priests it is our responsibility as lay Catholic women, and as instruments of God, to help priests in carrying out their mission". She concludes by saying that "if we intensify the promotion of vocations now, young people will consider entering the seminary as a way of life, thus increasing the number of dedicated consecrated religious."

The Philippines together with East Timor, is the only Asian country with a Catholic majority. Despite this there is a crisis of clergy, with one priest every 12,000 believers. This disparity complicates the work of the Church, which also tries to alleviate the daily suffering of a people afflicted by a serious of social and economic problems.