Pope: Fatima’s challenging, comforting, hope-filled message
It is "projected beyond the threats, dangers and horrors of history, to invite mankind to have confidence in God, to cultivate the great Hope." Recalling his recent trip to Portugal, Benedict XVI reveals he felt "spiritually supported" by John Paul II, who went three times to the shrine to thank the "invisible hand" that saved him from the attack of May 13.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - The Fatima message is "charged" with hope, "challenging" and "comforting".  It “projects itself beyond the threats, dangers and horrors of history, to invite man to trust in God’s actions, to cultivate the great Hope".  This is how Benedict XVI described the “secrets” contained in Our Lady’s apparitions to the three shepherd children to the 15 thousand people present in St Peter's Square. "It 's a message - his words - focusing on prayer, penance and conversion, which projects itself beyond the threats, dangers and horrors of history, to invite man to have confidence in God, to cultivate the great Hope, to experience the grace of God, to fall in love with He who is the source of love and peace. "

As is tradition on returning from a recent trip, the Pope retraced the steps of his visit to Portugal, where he felt "spiritually supported by my beloved predecessor, Pope John Paul II, who visited Fatima three times, to thank the 'invisible hand' which freed him from death in the attack of May 13, here in St Peter's Square".

Recalling the great Marian City, the Pope highlighted the prayer service in Chapel of the Apparitions in the Cova da Iria, where he "presented to the Heart of the Blessed Virgin the joys and expectations and the problems and sufferings of the world" and then the Vespers in the Church of the Holy Trinity. "Within this large, modern church, I expressed my deep appreciation to the priests, religious, deacons and seminarians from every part of Portugal, thanking them for their testimony often silent and not always easy and for their fidelity to the Gospel and the Church. In this Year for Priests, which draws to a close, I encouraged the priests to give priority to the Word of God, to an intimate knowledge of Christ, the intense celebration of the Eucharist, to look to a shining example of the Curé d ' Ars.  I did not hesitate to entrust and consecrate the priests of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the true model of a disciple of the Lord. "

"At Fatima – he said today - the Holy Virgin invites all to regard earth as a place of pilgrimage toward our final homeland, which is heaven. In reality we are all pilgrims, we need Mary to guide us. " "With you we walk in Hope, Wisdom and Mission "was the motto of the trip to Portugal," and in Fatima the Blessed Virgin Mary invites us to walk with great hope, to allow ourselves to be guided by the wisdom from above, which was manifested in Jesus, the wisdom of love, to bring the light and joy of Christ to the world".

In conclusion the Pope also recalled that over the centuries Portugal saw "many missionaries [set sail] to bring the Gospel to many continents, I encouraged the various components of the local Church to a vigorous evangelizing action in various sectors of society, to be sowers of hope in a world often marked by mistrust. " "In particular, I urged believers to be preachers of the death and resurrection of Christ, the heart of Christianity, focus and support of our faith and reason for our joy”.  Sentiments that were echoed in his meeting with the world of culture, when "I highlighted the heritage of values with which Christianity has enriched the culture, art and tradition of the Portuguese people. In this noble land, as in every other country deeply influenced by Christianity, a future of fraternal understanding and cooperation with other cultural realities can be built together, by each opening to a sincere and respectful dialogue".