Cypriot President, Papal visit boost for peace in the region
by NAT da Polis
In an interview, Christofias says that Cyprus expects the visit of Benedict XVI to boost for a peaceful solution of the drama created by the Turkish occupation of northern part of the island and the situation throughout Middle East.

Nicosia (AsiaNews) - Cyprus expects the visit of Benedict XVI to boost support for those in favour of a peaceful solution to the drama created by the Turkish occupation of northern part of the island and the situation throughout the Middle East. So says the President of Cyprus, Dimitris Christofias, in an interview with journalist Aris Viketos, also conceded to AsiaNews.

The President, a man of Marxist extraction, on the eve of his private meeting with the Pope, exalted the figure of Benedict XVI, terming him a man of profound culture, wise and very sensitive to social issues facing humanity today, such as the economic crisis, poverty, environmental destruction and the resulting social disintegration.

Pope Benedict XVI’s sensitivity, begins Christofias, is well known, but above all his courage to denounce the causes of the ills that afflict our society.

"With the Holy Father we share the same thoughts and visions on the world. We want peace, to fight hunger, eliminate social disintegration. Therefore it is natural that we should talk about the terrible crisis in our society. Then I will inform the Holy Father of our efforts to solve the Cyprus problem".  We will speak, continues Christofias, of the destruction of ancient cultural heritage caused by the occupation of the northern part of the island. Things in which the Holy Father has a special interest. We will speak of intercultural and interfaith dialogue. "As you know, Cyprus – the President continues - is the crossroads of continents.  Historically many cultures and religions have encountered each other on this land have.  A strong reason why this island may have a specific weight and voice among the religions and cultures of this region. And 'our aim must be to transform this strip of land from area of conflict to an area of peace”.

According to Christofias the dialogue between cultures and religions can contribute to a sustainable political solution in this land.

Finally, asked if this Papal trip can contribute to resolving the longstanding Cyprus problem, President Christofias says: "Undoubtedly, this visit is a historical fact of major importance. Cyprus lies in a region that is very sensitive and prone to crisis. The prevalence of peace, which is the ideal aspiration of all humanity, can only be achieved through a just and sustainable solution of international conflicts, like the Cypriot conflict.  Benedict XVI, repeats the president, visits a divided country, where since 1974 human rights and fundamental freedoms are violated because of the Turkish invasion and the consequent demographic change.

The visit concludes Christofias emphasizes the struggles of this people, aimed at achieving a just solution, to end the occupation and reunite the island.