Dharamsala (AsiaNews) - Chinese repression in Tibet is on the increase because Beijing fears renewed revolt in the region and its monasteries, such as those of 2008, that took place months before the Olympics. Urgen Tenzin, director of the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights made the claim in the aftermath of two conferences organized by the Chinese government in Tibet, on the theme of security.
August 18 and 19 in Lhasa, the Chinese Public Security held a meeting on maintaining public order, the fight against the separatist movement, identifying current challenges to stability in the Tibetan areas. Days earlier, on August 14 and 15, in Shigatse, the Communist Party United Front Department held another meeting where all the abbots of monasteries and monastic institutions were forced to participate.
After the Tibetan protests of March-May 2008, China has increased control over the region and its monasteries, reducing freedom of movement across Tibet. Pilgrims, traders and visitors must have carry a guarantee of public security, even to move about for a few days. Those found without the permit, may be arrested.
"These conferences - Urgen Tenzin tells AsiaNews - are not for the safety of the Tibetan people. Chinese repression is growing tougher because Beijing wants to step up its control over the population and monasteries, in the name of security. The Chinese government is afraid of another uprising such as the Tibetan revolt in March 2008. They are panicking over insecurity. "
"Even the monasteries are under control - he added - people subjected to re-education. In addition, China is targeting Tibetan intellectuals, poets, writers, painters ... support for the Tibetan cause is growing and they, out of desperation, are increasing their repression of the Tibetan people". (NC)