"Mary’s clan" devoted to the Virgin to overcome alcoholism
by Nirmala Carvalho
The rehabilitation community is located in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount, Bandra. Founded in 1983, the centre now accommodates 75 men Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. Without any discrimination of caste or faith, in devotion to Our Lady all have found a life full of dignity, simplicity and serenity.

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Nestled in the shadow of Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount, Bandra. Mary’s Clan embraces men of all faith, without discrimination of caste or creed, men who battle the bottle and seek to live a life of dignity and sobriety.  The group, embraces Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, all pray and sing with sincere and spontaneous devotion. Today, for the end of the month of Mary, the rosary was held outside the basilica, with the cross adorned with flowers. Music accompanied the psalms and hymns, which were sung by all.

Mary’s Clan seems an unusual name for a community of recovering alcoholics. Behind the basilica is a hostel where these 75 men of different religions live together and try to win their battle with alcoholism. Entering the refuge, one is enveloped by a reassuring calm. Their names are marked on a blackboard next to them are stars: one for each year a person has remained sober.

Trever D'Souza arrived at the centre January 3, 2006, drawn by the strong presence of Our Lady. "By the grace of the Lord and his beloved mother, today I'm happy," says the man. "Mary followed Christ, her son, from Cana to Calvary, to the foot of the Cross, throughout his passion and crucifixion. So Mary is never scandalised by our alcoholism, Mary is our strength and support and leads us to her son, we are all Mary’s children. Mary loves us all especially us, we who need her special care”.

"Many of us are now rehabilitated and have a job - says Trevor - however the community continues to offer food and a place to sleep, because they have no house or a family to return to. A former alcoholic has no one to talk to. Often, loneliness, fatigue and a sense of misery create a void within us. It is then that the prayer of Mary helps us receive the strength to live with dignity and sobriety of our lives”.

Life in Mary’s clan begins with a Mass at 6.30. During the day, the rosary is recited three times, inside the basilica. Then everything is in the hands of community members, who run the centre on their own, cooking food, cleaning, small jobs. The hostel is based on donations, of unknown origin. Sometimes, some people donate clothes, food and kitchen utensils to the house or organization.