Pro-Palestinian activists on a “Mass fly in” protest to Israel today and tomorrow
Hundreds of activists from Europe, Asia and the Americas are coming to Ben Gurion Airport to show solidarity with the Occupied Territories. Some activists have been stopped and sent back to France and Belgium. The initiative has been taken to get around the blockade of the Freedom Flotilla 2.
Tel Aviv (AsiaNews/Agencies) – Israeli police and security services have detained and deported “suspicious” passengers from Belgium and France who landed at Ben Gurion Airport. Tomorrow in fact is “mass fly in”, a day in which hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists are scheduled to arrive in Israel to organise demonstrations in solidarity with the population of the occupied territories.

Despite police screening, many activists have been able to enter the country or were not stopped to avoid media controversies.

About 600 police agents have been deployed in the airport to stop the demonstrators who have opted for this unusual form of protest rather than “Freedom Flotilla 2”, scheduled to sail for Gaza amid a blockade and other difficulties.

Police is expecting some 50 planes to carry activists who will try to reach various sites in Israel and the Occupied Territories. In addition to the police, the Interior and Foreign Ministry as well as port and airport authorities have been mobilised.

Israeli authorities told airlines to present their lists of passengers to Israel 48 hours before takeoff. Israeli airport security personnel in Europe have been instructed to convey information about passengers who seem suspicious.

If a plane takes off with a suspect on board, that person will be detained at Ben-Gurion and be put back on a plane to his home country before he reaches passport control.

If a plane is thought to carry several activists, it will be told to land on an outer runway, and the passengers will be closely questioned.

The police were told in a briefing that when they enter the airport, “it will be as if you are entering the set of 'Big Brother’,” a reality show. In other words, all eyes will be on them.

The police are concerned that they will be goaded into using force and then filmed by activists who will disseminate the clips worldwide. Therefore, most personnel will be undercover and not wear anti-riot gear or carry weapons.

Police Special Forces are to be deployed outside the airport in case pro-Palestinian Israelis organise a welcome demonstration.

Between 600 and 1,200 activists are expected to fly into Ben-Gurion Friday in the early hours of Friday.