Pope appeals for relief in Somalia and the Horn of Africa
Benedict XVI appeals to the international community for immediate relief for those fleeing "in search of food and aid." The seed of the Kingdom of God "an irrepressible life force" and grows "despite all obstacles."
Castel Gandolfo (AsiaNews) - An appeal to the international community "to immediately send aid " to the famine hit peoples of the Horn of Africa and Somali was launched by Benedict XVI at the end of the Angelus prayer before pilgrims today at Castel Gandolfo. "I am following with deep concern - said the pope - the news from the Horn of Africa, particularly Somalia, stricken by a severe drought and then, in some areas, even by heavy rains that are causing a humanitarian catastrophe. Countless people are fleeing from the famine in search of food and aid. I hope international mobilization grows to send timely relief to our brothers and sisters already sorely tried, among which there are so many children. May our solidarity and the concrete support to all people of good not fail these suffering people. "

Earlier, Benedict XVI commented on the parables of "the Kingdom", in particular those of the seed and the wheat and the weeds contained in the Gospel of today’s Mass (Matthew 13, 24 - 43).

"Jesus - explained the pope - compares the kingdom of heaven to a wheat field, to help us understand that something small and hidden is sown in us, which, however, has an irrepressible life force. Despite all obstacles, the seed will grow and the fruit ripen. This fruit will be good only if the ground of life has been nurtured according to divine will. Therefore, in the parable of the wheat and the weeds (Mt 13,24-30), Jesus warns us that, after the Master had planted, 'while people slept,' his 'enemy' intervened, who sowed weeds. This means that we must be prepared to guard the grace received from the day of baptism, while continuing to nourish faith in the Lord, which prevents evil from taking root. St. Augustine, commenting on this story, notes that 'many are first weeds and then become good wheat' and adds: 'If those, when they are bad, are not tolerated with patience, they will never attain the laudable change' (Quaest. septend. In Ev. sec. Matth., 12, 4: PL 35, 1371). "
The pope underlined the "goodness" of God: "Psalm 85 confirms this: Lord, you are kind and forgiving, most loving to all who call on you' (verse 5)."

"If so - concluded Benedict XVI - we are children of a great and good Father, we must try to be like Him! This was the purpose that Jesus intended in his preaching when he said to those who listened to him: 'Be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect' (Matthew 5:48). Let us turn with confidence to Mary, whom we called yesterday with the title of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Caramel, to help us to faithfully follow Jesus, and so to live as true children of God. "

Photo: CPP