WYD: 65 Vietnamese going to Madrid, thousands study its spirit
by J.B. Vu
The Vietnam Bishops Council is organising activities in all of the country’s dioceses. The goal is to empower a new generation of Catholics to embark on a new life and bring new energy to young Vietnamese.
Hải Phòng (AsiaNews) – Despite many difficulties, 65 Vietnamese are expected at World Youth Day (WYD) in Madrid (16-21 August). However, tens of thousands of youth are taking part in pastoral and social activities organised by the diocese’s Episcopal Youth Commission in order to strengthen the WYD spirit. The goal is to empower a new generation of Catholics to allow them to embark on a new life and bring new energy to young Vietnamese.

In July, the Vietnam Bishops Council (VBC) published Communion New-Letter N0. 65 with “Catholic Youths – World Youth Day” as its main topic. Together with the Episcopal Youth Commission, the VBC hopes the event will be useful for young people in Vietnam.

On 18 May, the Office of VBC General Secretary set up a youth forum to promote independent thinking and exchange. The topic of the forum was “Vietnam Youth Commission and the consolidation of the civilisation of love and life”. The forum was held at the pastoral centre of Saigon Archdiocese. More than a thousand young people took part in the event.

Internet is the privileged venue for young Vietnamese in search of daily information and the WYD spirit. For this reason, the Youth Commission has set up a website (http://www.madrid11.com/vi) that provides information, including statements and messages from Benedict XVI in Vietnamese.

Addressing youth who plan to travel to Madrid, the Commission’s president, Mgr Joseph Vũ Văn Thiên, said, “When you are able to participate in the assembly, there is good chance that you will be able to bring the images and culture of the Vietnamese Church to everyone. You also represent the youth of Vietnam in communion with the Holy Father and the young people of the world.”

“Even though not all young Vietnamese Catholics can take part in this event, through his WYD message the Holy Father Benedict XVI calls on us and guides us to live effectively in today’s Vietnamese society.”