Pope: with the guardian angels God takes care of the entire life of every man
At the Angelus, Benedict XVI emphasizes the responsibility of the pastors of the Church, especially those who have a "role of authority." An invitation to professors to concern themselves with forming people in the truth, "so they can discern where the truth lies, and make free choices."
Vatican City (AsiaNews) – God’s “concern” for every man, for his entire life is "surrounded" by the protection of guardian angels and the responsibility of the pastors of the Church, especially those who have a "role of authority" were the subject of Benedict XVI’s Angelus this Sunday, before 20 thousand people in St. Peter's Square, his first since returning from his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo.
The Pope also drew inspiration from today’s Sunday's Gospel that "closes with a particularly severe warning by Jesus, addressed to the chief priests and elders of the people: ' Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit' (Matt. 21.43). These words make us think of the great responsibility of those who in every age, are called to work in the vineyard of the Lord, especially in a role of authority, and the push us to renew our full fidelity to Christ. He is' the stone which the builders rejected '(cf. Mt 21:42), because they considered an enemy of the law and dangerous to public order, but he himself, rejected and crucified, rose again, becoming the' cornerstone' on which the foundation of all human existence and the whole world may rest with absolute certainty".
“Firmly anchored in faith in the cornerstone who is Christ, abiding in Him like the branch that can not bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine. Only in Him, through Him and with Him is the Church, the people of the New Covenant built. The Servant of God Paul VI wrote about this: 'The first fruit of the deepening consciousness of the Church itself is the renewed discovery of its vital relationship with Christ. A well-known thing, fundamental, essential, but never quite understood, meditated upon, celebrated enough".
And, after the Angelus, in greetings in English he invited prayers "specially for those who face violence and threats because of their faith."
The Pope’s final words before the Angelus, "God is always near and active in human history, and follows us with the unique presence of His angels, who today the Church venerates as the Guardian angels, in other words ministers of God's concern for every man. From the beginning until death, human life is surrounded by their constant protection. "
After the Marian prayer, finally, in greetings in French, Benedict XVI invited " teachers to convey, through their teaching, love of knowledge and truth. Knowledge is important, but the formation of the person is more important, so that they can discern where the truth lies, and are free to make choices. Educating young people in this way to the authentic moral and spiritual values to help them find meaning in their lives. In this month of October, may the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, accompany all those people involved in formation and education. "