The "bloodiest day": 70 dead, including a boy who refuses to march for Assad
The Arab League is preparing to send 500 observers to Damascus: the decision, which will be taken tomorrow, subject to Syria ensuring the safety of the delegation. The Syrian foreign minister calls Arab League's decision to suspend his country "very dangerous", and demands an urgent meeting of the organization, renewing accusations against the U.S. and praising Russian and Chinaese opposition to sanctions against Damascus.
Beirut (AsiaNews) - '"The bloodiest day" for Syria: At least 70 deaths in the last 24 hours, including a 14 year old boy, killed by the military in cold-blood in Deir ez Zor, because he refused to march in a "spontaneous" demonstration in support of Bashar al-Assad. The internal situation in Syria is in a downward spiral: according to opposition sources, at least twenty soldiers were killed in clashes with other soldiers who support the revolts.

The "bloodiest day" falls on the eve of tomorrow's decision by the 22 Arab League Foreign Ministers of when and how to send an observer delegation to Syria. With more than 500 people, the delegation should include military experts, human rights activists and journalists. The group’s objectives are to examine the situation on the ground and "oversee, in coordination with the Syrian government, the implementation of the Arab plan" for peace, signed on November 2 by the Arab League and Syria.

The intention of the Arab League was announced yesterday by the Secretary General of the Organization, Nabil al-Arabi, in Cairo, in the aftermath of Damascus’s declaration that it was ready to welcome the delegation, and after a series of meetings with members of the Syrian opposition and Arab human rights groups. "We want to be able to go anywhere and write our reports on the situation of civilians," said Ibrahim al-Zaafarana, an influential member of the Union of Arab doctors.

Beyond the political issues, one of the main problems is assurances of the safety of the delegation. Al-Arabi has demanded that Damascus sign "a clear memorandum" to ensure security.

For his part, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem wrote to the Arab League requesting an urgent summit. The same Muallem, at a press conference held yesterday in Damascus, said that the government is committed to reform, through dialogue and an end to the bloodshed, he also called the Arab League's decision to suspend the participation of Syria "very dangerous" and repeated the accusations against the United States of plotting to foment rebellion and anti-Syrian measures and praised the attitude of China and Russia, opposed to other options and sanctions against his country.

Moallem, "as Foreign Minister" has apologized for the attacks against supporters of Assad on embassies and consulates abroad, following the announcement of the Arab League's decision to "suspend" Syria and has also argued that the government has withdrawn "all soldiers "from the central areas of cities, replacing them with security officers, who have" the right to self-defence and defence of citizens. "

Moreover he added finally Syria "has the right to defend its sovereignty for every inch of its territory," referring to the declaration of Turkish foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu on the willingness of his country to give support to those who protest and to an idea expressed by Ankara regarding the possibility of creating a buffer zone for this purpose inside Syrian territory. (PD)