Solidarity towards tsunami victims should not end, says Mgr Migliore at the United Nations

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – The Holy See's permanent observer at the United Nations, Mgr  Celestino Migliore said that the outpouring of solidarity towards tsunami victims from around the world should not stop but should instead go on.

A sense of solidarity moved people and governments to come to the rescue of tsunami victims in south-east Asia, Mgr Migliore said. It should not just be a reaction to the sight of thousands of dead bodies; it  should instead last because such a natural disaster needs medium and long-term commitment.

"It seems clear," the Vatican diplomat said, "that this is an emergency whose aftermath is going to last through the medium and long term, and so it is to be hoped that the solidarity of private citizens and governments alike will not die down once the world recovers from the initial shock of the calamity."

Mgr Migliore added that the Holy See, in cooperation with the Pontifical Council Cor Unum and numerous Catholic agencies, acted immediately to bring emergency aid such as food, clothing and other necessities to the affected communities and regions. (FP)