Tug of war continues between Italy and India, while widow left homeless
Two Italian marines to be held for a further 7 days. Relatives of victims experience a "strong sense of insecurity." Pinku’s widow left in dire straits: The Tamil Nadu Government has no job or home for her.

Trivandrum (AsiaNews) - While India and Italy continue with their diplomatic standoff, the situation of the families of two victims "is getting no better", explains Fr. Ignaci Rajasekaran, chancellor of the Archdiocese of Trivandrum (Kerala) to AsiaNews. And the widow of Pinku, the fisherman originally from Tamil Nadu, is still homeless. Today the magistrate in Kochi decided a further seven days in custody for the Italian marines. This was the Kerala High Court decision after admitting the appeal by the Italian government for the release of Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, arrested for the murder of two Indian fishermen off the State coast.

However, with each passing day, the priest says, "two opposing situations are taking shape. The Kerala Government has responded decisively to concretely help Dora, the widow of Jelestein. In addition to 500 thousand rupees, the government has offered her a job and Quilon parishioners [diocese the family belongs to] have gathered around her. Thanks to this support, the widow has decided to appeal to the court of Quilon, to get more aid. "

The widow of Pinku, the second fisherman killed, is in a completely different situation. Unlike the other family, very little is known or told of this family in the papers, both Italian and foreign. "The Government of Tamil Nadu - admits Fr. Rajasekaran - is guilty. Apart from giving the 500 thousand rupees compensation, it has done nothing. The chief minister has just paid a visit to the widow, expressing his condolences for the death of Pinku. In the Archdiocese of Trivandrum, we are trying to contact the state ministers to push them to do something. But being in Kerala we do not have a big influence. "

Fortunately, even in the case of the widow of Pinku parishioners, the villagers and the local church have been active. "All together - says the priest - we are organizing a protest to demand the government of Tamil Nadu find a job and a home for that family. Both widows are suffering and experiencing a strong sense of insecurity, but not having a roof over ones head is terrible. I hope that something will change soon. " (GM)