Karnataka, Hindu nationalists: No economic aid to Christians and Muslims
by Nirmala Carvalho
Protests in Mangalore and Udupi against the central government. It aims to give 4.5% of jobs to Muslims and Other Backward Classes (CBOs) and extend to Dalit Christians and Muslims the rights of Scheduled Castes (SC). According to current laws, only the Dalit Hindus and Buddhists enjoy benefits according to their status.

Mangalore (AsiaNews) - A new wave of protests in Karnataka to eliminate any economic aid to Christians and Muslims, and introduce special programs for the Hindus. Activists of the Bajrang Dal and the VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad, the ultranationalist right-wing movement) have slammed the recent proposals of the Central Government to grant facilities to Christians and Muslims of Others Backward Classes (Obv) and Scheduled Castes (SC). The demonstrations took place yesterday in Mangalore and in Udupi on February 24.

In Mangalore, members of the VHP and the Bajrang submitted a memorandum against the Ranganath Misra report, the National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities, which has proposed to extend art. 3 of the Constitution Scheduled Castes (SC) to Christians and Muslims. Under this paragraph, the law recognizes the rights and economic, educational and social aid only to Hindu Dalits. Later, in 1956 and 1990, the status was extended to Buddhists and Sikhs. In addition, activists have condemned the Central Government for having provided 4.5% more job placements for Muslims and Other Backward Class (OBC).

A week ago in Udupi, ultra-nationalist Hindu Bajrang Dal and the VHP announced a nationwide campaign to prevent Christians and Muslims from accessing the 27% of places reserved for OBCs in the public sector and higher education.

Sajan George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), said: "India is a secular and democratic cpuntry. Yet, its constitution is the first to deny Dalit Christians and Muslims Scheduled Caste status. Government must move and prevent these ultranationalist groups from increasing the sense of insecurity already felt by minorities. We must stop these aggressive and violent campaigns that seek only to establish the Hindu hegemony. "

The Other Backward Class (OBC) are a category of people considered economically and socially inferior, as distinguished from the Scheduled Caste (SC, the Dalits or "outcastes") and Scheduled Tribes (St, indigenous tribal). Belonging to these groups does not depend on religion, but on social, economic and educational status rooted in time.