Arab press finds silver lining in Iraq poll
Al-Zarqawi might threaten voters but Arab media are talking about the vote as a necessary basis for democracy.

Rome (AsiaNews) – Hope and fear mingle as Iraq's elections approach. Islamist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi threatens that "trained snipers will be ready to kill the apostates who go to the electoral lairs" this Sunday. But the Arab press already expected such a "declaration of war". Some papers reflect the hope that the poll will at least lay the foundation for a future democratic state.

On its Website, the BBC reports a brief survey of what some Arab and Iranian papers are saying.

Iraq's Al-Bayan

Those who are convinced that the election is the only salvation from the political, economic and security chaos should make sure they are well prepared for the vote... Those, however, who believe this process will come to nothing should make up their minds and offer an appropriate alternative... Any team that can win a majority will succeed, and its rival should then succumb to the will of the majority.

Kuwait's Al-Ra'y Al-Am

The declaration of war by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi on the coming Iraqi elections is nothing new. Al-Zarqawi has been on a continuous war footing with the Iraqis and their future since the fall of Saddam Hussein.

UAE's Al-Ittihad

The declaration of the "terrorist Abu Zarqawi group" that it will fight the Iraqi elections is nothing new, except that it comes a few days ahead of polling day... But the terrorists have not succeeded in terrorising the Iraqi people. In fact they have strengthened their resolve to move forward with a national political programme which will ensure that foreigners leave their country, and that a new era begins based on democracy.

Qatar's Al-Watan

What is obvious is that the time to postpone the elections is over. If the government insists the elections will be conducted as planned, the most important solution is that everyone should participate... That is because this democratic process, for which the Iraqi people waited for many decades, may be transformed from a tool of division to a means of unity.

Saudi Al-Watan

In a few days' time, elections will be conducted in Iraq for the first time in four decades. Iraqis will go to the ballot boxes to cast their votes... However, it comes at a time filled with many risks and extraordinary situations... The elections will be the first step towards establishing a draft for a permanent constitution and the withdrawal of the occupation from Iraq.

Iran's Arabic-language Al-Vefagh

The Iraqi elections are not the final stage, and the entry of several hundred people into parliament is nothing other than a first step towards relief. Therefore, it is very important for all those calling for the liberation of Iraq to make this period a success.

Arabic-language papers in Britain are more sceptical about the significance and outcome of the elections for Iraq's future.

UK-based Al-Sharq al-Awsat

The Al-Zarqawi loyalists are not alone, rather they have partners in Iraq for their operations, which are aimed at dividing people into religious and regional groupings. Their partners are Iraqi Baathist armed groups opposed to the present regime.

UK-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi

There are many negative sides to this election, which is only six days away. But the most important of its positive sides is that it has put to shame the position of many, clearly exposing the reality on the ground, as well as revealing the nature of the new Iraqi leaders.