Tibetan sets himself on fire before India's parliament in New Delhi as more arrests occur in Tibet
The incident happened this morning during a protest against Hu Jintao's visit to India. Police detains four monks from Bora Monastery in Sangchu County.

New Delhi (AsiaNews) - A young Tibetan activist set himself on fire in New Delhi in front of the Indian parliament. The incident took place during a protest by more than 600 exiles against the upcoming visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao to India. Ciampa Yeshi, 26, was taken to hospital in critical conditions with burns over 85 per cent of his body. He is the second Tibetan to carry out such an action in India. He fled Tibet five years ago and was living on the outskirts of the Indian capital.  Now Indian authorities are bracing for more violent protests. Police have cordoned off the venue where Hu Jintao and his Indian hosts will meet.

In the past few months, dozens of young Tibetans, monks and lay people, carried out acts of self-immolation to demand the end of Beijing's repression in Tibet and the return of the Dalai Lama to his homeland.

Despite many protests and continued pleas from foreign organisations and countries, Chinese police continues to arrest and seize anyone who dissents.

Last Friday, police agents stormed the Bora Monastery (Sangchu, Tibet Autonomous Region), where they detained four monks: Sangyal Gyatso, 30; Kelsang Lodoe, 23; Sonam aged, 20; and Tashi Gyatso 22. Police have not yet informed their families of their whereabouts.

The religious had participated in a great rally last Tuesday for the return of the Dalai Lama, respect for religious freedom and teaching of the Tibetan language.

Some 40 people were arrested after the rally but released a few hours later thanks to the intervention of Gyal Khenpo, former abbot at the Labran Tashikyil Monastery, Kanlho Prefecture (Gansu). (N.C.)