(AsiaNews) - After spending Lent praying the rosary, promoting meetings between
families and small communities, collecting funds for charitable activities, reading
the Bible and Gospel, Indonesian Catholics are preparing to live the rites of Holy
Week with faith and devotion. Starting with Palm Sunday, which was celebrated
yesterday in all the dioceses of the archipelago. In Indonesia, every Catholic family
has a cross and an olive branch, considered the true "icons" that
testify to the "presence of God" in the homes of the faithful, and
within each family.
The rites of Holy Week begin Thursday morning with the Chrism Mass, with the
blessing of the oils used for religious services. According to a tradition
established in Jakarta
and promoted by the late Msgr. Leo Soekoto SJ, the Archbishop meets all priests
- diocesan or otherwise, including those belonging to religious orders - to
participate in the "Misa Krisma", as it was dubbed in local
The celebration will unite thousands of faithful from all parishes of the
capital, over time the tradition of the Chrism Mass has spread to other dioceses
in the country, with little variation from place to place. In Purwokerto, in
the northwestern province
of Central Java, the Mass
will be celebrated by Msgr. Julianus Sunarka SJ Wednesday evening. "Before
beginning - diocesan sources tell the -
priests attend a spiritual retreat of prayer lasting three days."
The Holy Thursday functions see the continuous exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament and Eucharistic processions to church. The faithful approach this with
fervour and devotion by praying the Rosary throughout the night until morning. On
Good Friday they celebrate the Stations of the Cross at 3 pm, with the
commemoration of the Passion of Christ, after which the faithful - in an orderly
and patient queue - wait for their turn to kiss the cross. In some areas real
"representations" of passion are held, to allow the devotees to
adhere with greater participation to the liturgy and meditation.
Finally, this year at Easter hundreds of catechumens throughout Indonesia
will be baptized. Fr. Sweko Swandi Marlindo, from St
Peter's parish in central Java, confirmed to AsiaNews that "21 baptisms of young people and adults" will
be celebrated, while for infants the rite will be held the next day. In the
parish of the Sacred Heart in Tegal, also in Central Java, there will be 27
baptisms among adults and 36 others in Tanjungkarang in the cathedral of the
Diocese of Lampung, South Sumatra. Among
these, the oldest newly-converted is 73.