Cricket tournament for Catholic youth in Anuradhapura
by Melani Manel Perera
The local diocese organised the 'Christu Shanthi Challenging Cup' to help youths know each and themselves. Almost 150 participants in 14 teams took part in the event. The winners received a trophy and prize money of 10,000 rupees (S$ 75).

Anuradhapura (AsiaNews) - Almost 150 Catholic youths took part in the 'Christu Shanthi Challenging Cup,' a cricket tournament organised by the diocese of Anuradhapura (North Central Province). The goal was to enable youths from 13 parishes spread across an area of 10,726 sq km to get to know each other. The team from the parish of Alagollewa won the first prize, a trophy and 10,000 rupees (US$ 75). The second prize of 7,000 rupees (US$ 55) went to the parish of Habarana. The diocese gave all the other participants 1,000 rupees (US$ 8).

Participants were mostly from poor families with limited means or education. In many cases, this has been a source of discouragement for many of the youths because they feel they have no future.

"Our idea was to boost the youths' self-esteem," said Fr Ranjith de Mel, director of the Christu Shanthi Foundation. "I wanted to help them develop their character, as well as their physical and mental balance, discover their leadership qualities, unity and friendship."

The tournament was a great success according to participants. "We had a lot of fun," Chinthaka, from the winning Allagollewa team, told AsiaNews. "It is rare for us to play cricket. We must thank Fr Ranjith for this wonderful gift."

The Diocese of Jaffna, Anuradhapura, is big. Established in 1982, it is home to 12,031 Catholics, out of 1.2 million residents, mostly Buddhists for whom the area is sacred.

The city of Anuradhapura is one Sri Lanka's ancient capitals, whose well-preserved ruins date back to 245 BC and are a UNESCO world heritage site since 1982.