In the wake of tragedy Hindus, Muslims and Christians seek healing at the Lourdes of the East
by Nirmala Carvalho
Our Lady of Velankanni was hit by the tsunami in December, but now is a place of social rebirth and inter-faith encounter.

Nagatipattinam (AsiaNews) – The tsunami tragedy might make possible the evangelisation of Asia, which John Paul II prophesised, in the third millennium.

Ever since "Black Sunday" on December 26, believers of every faith have been seeking comfort at the shrine of Our Lady of Health in Velankanni, near Nagapattinam (Tamil Nadu). And it is in this spirit that the 'Lourdes of the East' is preparing to celebrate its feast day.

Speaking to AsiaNews, Fr P. Xavier, the shrine's rector, said: "I see the devotion of people of different faiths: Hindus, Muslims and Christians. People of all religions come here still traumatised [by the tsunami] but no one leaves the basilica of Our Lady without experiencing peace and comfort."

"I spoke to many adult Hindus and Muslims who came here crying like children but no one left hurt or disappointed," he added

At 10:30 am on February 11, the solemn celebration of Our Lady of Lourdes will take place. This year's theme is 'healing'. In fact, if emotional wounds are not healed, the tsunami will reappear as post-traumatic stress.

"I have been receiving phone calls from people from all over India, and of all religions, wanting to know the schedule of the solemn Mass," Father Xavier said. Their pain is real."

"Isn't ironic that from such a grave adversity have sprung new seeds of faith," he said.

"Every year, thousands of pilgrims come to the shrine to celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes. This year the devastation and sorrow will be writ large on the faces of our pilgrims, many of whom escaped the fury of the waves, thousands losing dear ones on Black Sunday, all coming to pray," he said.

"I hope the celebration is full of joy and not sadness. We should not become discouraged. Nature's disasters cannot stop our faith. Velankanni is always the same. Our Lady is always full of grace for those who come".

On February 18, the Nuncio, Archbishop Pedro Lopez Quintana, will celebrate a special Mass for those who died in the tsunami and those who survived. Later, he will bless a stone memorial dedicated to the tsunami victims.

According to Father Xavier, reconstruction is well underway, but people complain that whilst emergency camps have been shut down, survivors must still live for another six months in temporary shelters made of tar and tin.

"People are getting restless; they want to go on with their lives. [Never the less,] schools have reopened and fishing is gradually limping back to normal. These are encouraging signs that wounds are healing".

"The 'Thanjavur Multi-Purpose Social Service Society', a charity organisation run by the Thanjavur diocese has been coordinating the rehabilitation work with other NGO's," Father Xavier said.

Relatives of the missing are still coming to the shrine hoping for some information about their loved ones.

"So far," Father Xavier explained, "all the dead have been more or less identified and death certificates issued. But relatives of the missing still cling to some hope that we may have information about their beloved".

Anbuselvam, a Hindu, expressed the desire to attend the mass on the feast day of Our Lady. He has become the only breadwinner of his sister's three children now that she and her husband perished in the tsunami.

"We may not be able to give them a good life now," he said, "since the tsunami took away everything from us. But the Father is helping us through this tragedy and I am hopeful that there will be some healing for us as well as the children."

"Our shrine is popularly called the 'Lourdes of the East'," Father Xavier said, "and His Holiness John Paul II has repeatedly said that the thirds millennium will be that of the evangelisation of Asia. Perhaps the tsunami tragedy will be instrumental in beginning to fulfill the Prophecy."

Recently, an inter-faith meeting was held at the shrine. Cardinal Toppo, Chairman of the Bishops' Conference of India, presided over it.

"The event was intense," Father Xavier stressed. "All religious leaders prayed as one for the tragedy's victims."

"This year the Pope is ill," he added. "I am certain our Lady of Health will bless him and send him on the path of a speedy recovery".