Hong Kong, students still on hunger strike against "national education"
Protest growing: From 80 to 200 high school students. Massive demonstration of teachers 'unions and parents' representatives scheduled tomorrow. According to the reform, the so-called classes of "national education" will address the major scientific and economic achievements of mainland China.

Hong Kong (AsiaNews) - The peaceful protest of the Territory's high school students against "national education" classes imposed by the communist government on local schools shows no sign of weakening. From the original 80 until yesterday, the number of young people camped in front of the building of the Legislative Council, in the government district of Almanthy is now more than 200. Three of them - the 18 year old Lily Wong Lee-lee, Ivan Lam Long-yin and Kaiser (pictured) - are still on hunger strike, which began more than 24 hours ago. They are pale, but determined to resist until tomorrow, when there will be a great event organized by teachers' unions and parents representatives

The protests in recent days stem from educational reform desired by the Chinese central government in 2002 and launched in 2004. It provides every school - from elementary school onwards - be prepared for non-defined "classes of National Education", a topic that should be treated as a separate subject. From what has so far been said, the subject's aim is to enhance China's great economic scientific and popular achievements, but silence, for example, discusses the Tiananmen massacre..

The first to oppose this reform were Catholics, led by Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, who has repeatedly denounced this move as an attempt to "brainwash" young people orchestrated by Beijing. Now, the general public is mobilising behind the Church:  According to a survey carried out by an Association of men's and women's clubs, 74% of the students and 77% of parents surveyed want the government to withdraw the subject from schools and resume consultations with all parties involved before resubmitting it.