Vietnamese Catholics: Pope Benedict XVI is a "model" of faith
by J.B. Vu
Prayers for the Pope who in recent years has facilitated the rapprochement between Hanoi and the Holy See. After the initial shock, faithful emphasize their affection and admiration for his gesture, of "profound humility". Redemptorist in Saigon: to serve the Lord it is necessary to "retire at the right time."

Ho Chi Minh City (AsiaNews) - Vietnamese Catholics are praying for Pope Benedict XVI, expressing affection and admiration for a Pope who worked throughout his entire pontificate in the service of the local and universal Church. His decision to give up the throne of Peter as of February 28, at first shocked the faithful. After the initial surprise, every parish decided to organize prayer meetings for Pope Ratzinger, who in recent years has done much for the normalization of relations - with the appointment of a non-permanent representative and receiving the leading figures of the party leadership and government - between the Holy See and the Hanoi authorities.

Fr. Vincent Pham Trung Thành, provincial superior of the Redemptorists in Saigon, confesses his "surprise" over Benedict XVI's decision; but his "admiration for his profound humility," combined with "trust in Divine Providence" on future of the Church was even stronger.

Ratzinger's reasons for stepping down once more confirm the "humility and modesty," of the pontiff, who is "an example for all of us" Vietnamese priests and laity. Fr. Vincent admires the detachment from power and influence, within Benedict XVI's gesture: "To serve the Lord and the people of God - he adds - you must retire at the right time."

For the provincial superior of the Redemptorists, in this Year of Faith, Benedict XVI's testimony ohas "strengthened communion, solidarity within the local churches and among Catholics." He finally remembers the example of Vietnamese martyrs, which constitute an invitation to "surrender ourselves into the hands of God," to be enlightened by the "light" of salvation that "is reflected in social justice, truth, respect for human dignity and human rights that God has given us. "

Several faithful interviewed by AsiaNews stressed that this is "a sign of the Holy Spirit" and is part of a "God's plan" for his Church.