On the Day for vocations, hundreds of young people meet in Taipei to "make Jesus known to everyone"
by Xin Yage
The archbishop of the capital celebrates Mass for young people. "The Church continues in its mission, talking about Christ to the world." A special lecture on Catholicism is presented to schools, with audio and video messages and stories by priests and religious.

Taipei (AsiaNews) - "Who said that God's calling is no longer heard? Who said that generosity is dead and that young people no longer respond to that voice?" The 50th World Day of Prayer for Vocations (第五 十届 国际 圣 召 节) saw special activity at Taipei cathedral, where a three-hour programme was held from 9 am to noon.

Unlike previous occasions when two or three thousand people were invited to the event, this year the focus was on young people who have shown a particular sensitivity to a specific calling within the Christian community. About 200 young people were present.

During the first part of the programme, after the welcoming ceremony, the Eucharist was celebrated with Mgr John Hung Shan-chuan (洪山川 总 主教), archbishop of Taipei, personally bearing witness to his own vocation. With it, he was able to motivate and encourage emotionally the young assembly.

"The Church continues with even greater strength in its mission to make Jesus known to everyone," he said as he introduced the second part of the morning.

Then Fr Jiyuan Luo (罗 际 元 神父), a young, likeable and dynamic Taiwanese diocesan priest, spoke about his own story using a short film that described his own vocation and the way he came to the priesthood.

The video was shot, edited and produced over the past few months and was screened for the first time on this occasion. The fact of making it from a very current perspective using a language that is accessible to the audience of teenagers and young university students made the message very understandable.

In the introduction to the video, Fr Luo expressed his gratitude to all those who have enriched his personal experience of faith in his daily mission. "Friendship is a great gift from Jesus that allows us to bear witness together."

The morning ended with a moment of sharing in small groups about what was discussed. A young woman from New Taipei City, who had just returned with her cousin from a trip to Europe, shared her thoughts saying that the Church is going through a very encouraging renaissance.

"I was in St Peter's Square for the Angelus with Pope Francis. I have not directly seen the previous popes, but the impression that I got that morning was that of a person-I mean Pope Francis-who was able to create an evocative atmosphere, and this is very important for us young people. "

The Diocese of Taipei wants to reach out to as many people as possible as well as continue its efforts of promoting vocations in all Catholic schools.

For this reason, it has prepared detailed material, completed with audiovisual documents, for one-hour lecture on the topic teachers can use from now to Christmas in the way they see fit, with the possibility of inviting witnesses chosen among young women religious and young diocesan priests.