Pyongyang: even elementary school children must plant rice
by Joseph Yun Li-sun
The regime is in the midst of an ever worsening economic and food crisis: in response it orders send the entire population to work in the rice fields. Including children aged 5 to 10 years, who carry bags of seeds around the countryside. The propaganda sends a band of musicians to "encourage them".

Seoul (AsiaNews) - The North Korean regime has ordered the primary school children - aged 5 to 10 years - to participate in the seasonal planting work in the rice fields. The schools for this age group were closed on May 1, and for now show no signs of wanting to reopen. The decision reveals the desperation of Pyongyang, mired in an ever worsening economic and food crisis.

A source tells the DailyNK: "Usually the high school and university students are forced to work in the fields, but this time all help is needed. Children are used to carry the bags of seeds, which are very heavy. This is not so bad if the field is close to home, but many children are sent away and then have no way to eat at work. "

The North Korean regime, led by the young dictator Kim Jong-un, is in a dire situation: after leaving six-party talks on nuclear disarmament, in 2008, the international community reduced humanitarian aid to the country. The continuing military provocations and the missile crisis of last month brought remaining aid to halt. Even China, Pyongyang's last remaining ally, has tightened the purse strings.

The authorities, says a second source, "have even the limited opening hours of the Pyongsung market, the largest in the country, to send people into the fields. The general mobilization began on the first day of May and will continue until the end of the month . But it could go on until the end of June. "

To "raise the morale" of the children, the national Propaganda office has prepared a special program: "Ac hildrens band have been sent to the fields to play the gongs and drums to encourage their peers to work hard in the fields" .