Pope: Church exists to proclaim the Gospel. Even to martyrdom, "without ideologies"
During Mass, commenting on today’s Solemnity of the Birth of John the Baptist, Francis says that the life of the prophet reminds me of the Church. "A Church that is always at the service of the Word. A Church that never takes anything for herself."

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - The Church exists to proclaim the Gospel. Until martyrdom, she never takes anything for herself and is "without ideology, without a life of  her own." Like the Baptist who wanted to be "the Voice of an Other", who we celebrate today on the solemnity of his birth.

Let us ask now the grace not to become an ideological Church ...", "without a Gospel taken as our property," this was the prayer with which Pope Francis ended the Mass he celebrated this morning in Casa Santa Marta.

The figure of John the Baptist, the Pope said, is not always easy to understand. "When we think of his life - he observed - we think of a prophet," a "man who was great and then ends up as a poor man." Who is John? The Pope said John himself explains: "I am a voice, a voice in the wilderness," but "it is a voice without the Word, because the Word is not him, it is an Other." Here then is the mystery of John: "He never takes over the Word," John "is the one who indicates, who marks". The "meaning of John's life - he added - is to indicate another." Pope Francis then spoke of being struck by the fact that the "Church chooses to mark John's feast day" at a time when the days are at their longest in the year, when they "have more light." And John really "was the man of light, he brought light, but it was not his own light, it was a reflected light." John is "like a moon" and when Jesus began to preach, the light of John "began to decline, to set". "Voice not Word, light, but not his own".

"John seems to be nothing. That is John's vocation: he negates himself. And when we contemplate the life of this man, so great, so powerful - all believed that he was the Messiah - when we contemplate this life, how it is nullified to the point of the darkness of a prison, we behold a great mystery. We do not know what John's last days were like. We do not know. We only know that he was killed, his head was put on a platter, as a great gift from a dancer to an adulteress. I don't think you can lower yourself much more than this, negate yourself much more. That was the end that John met".  Pope Francis noted that in prison John experienced doubts, anguish and he called on his disciples to go to Jesus and ask him, "Are you You, or should we expect someone else?". His life is one of "pain and darkness". John "was not even spared this".

The Pope said "the figure of John makes me think so much about the Church": The Church exists to proclaim, to be the voice of a Word, her husband, who is the Word. The Church exists to proclaim this Word until martyrdom. Martyrdom precisely in the hands of the proud, the proudest of the Earth. John could have made himself important, he could have said something about himself. 'But I never think', only this: he indicated, he felt himself to be the voice, not the Word. This is John's secret. Why is John holy and without sin? Because he never, never took a truth as his own. He would not be an ideologue. The man who negated himself so that the Word could come to the fore. And we, as a Church, we can now ask for the grace not to become an ideological Church ... "

The Church, he added, must hear the Word of Jesus and raise her voice, proclaim it boldly. "That - he said - is the Church without ideologies, without a life of its own: the Church which is the mysterium lunae which has light from her Bridegroom and diminish herself so that He may grow". "This is the model that John offers us today, for us and for the Church. A Church that is always at the service of the Word. A Church that never takes anything for herself. Today in prayer we asked for the grace of joy, we asked the Lord to cheer this Church in her service to the Word, to be the voice of this Word, preach this Word. We ask for the grace, the dignity of John, with no ideas of their own, without a Gospel taken as property, only one Church that indicates the Word, and this even to martyrdom. So be it! "