Padang, a seminar to encourage local Church
by Mathias Hariyadi
40 people including priests and laity, gather in Padang for a two-day meeting convened by the Bishop to facilitate integration in a dispersed and fragmented diocese. Bishop Situmorang: "An extraordinary opportunity for integration for the Church and society."

Padang (AsiaNews) - Promoting encounter and integration among the faithful within a dispersed and fragmented diocese. This is the purpose of the seminar organized on July 6 and 7 by the Bishop of Padang, Msgr. Martinus Dogma Situmorang, "The goal of the initiative - Fr. Alex I. Suwandi, head of the diocesan foundation Prayoga Educational explains to AsiaNews - is to encourage the spiritual growth of the faithful in the Church and in society."

With an area of ​​three times that of Java, but a much lower population density, the island of Sumatra lacks an adequate infrastructure and communications system. While Java, the most developed among the Indonesian islands, is divided into 3 provinces and 7dioceses, Sumatra faces major challenges such as a far greater and wilder territory. The Diocese of Padang, the capital of the western province, for example, also contains a number of parishes in the provinces of Jambi and Rau, to administer a territory that extends far beyond the proportions of the province. Some Catholics from the Mentawai, Dumai, Duri and Pekanbaru Islands undertook a trip of about 30 hours to make it to Padang.

The event, which was attended by 4 priests and 36 lay people, took place in a house owned by the diocese in the outskirts of Padang. "The two days were very exciting - said Fr. Suwandi Alex - a unique opportunity to instill the same motivations in hundreds of teachers working in every village of the country." "The experience of this seminar will be shared by the teachers of each diocese - said one of the participants from the parish of Air Molek - because only those who teach can lead to a real change in society."

The week prior to the meeting on July 6 and 7 a similar initiative was promoted on the island of Java in the diocese of Bogor. Sister Anne Marie SFS, from the Indonesian Bishops' Conference Gender Commission, told AsiaNews that the event was greeted with enthusiasm by all 40 participants, mostly women and teachers.