Pope: Christian words not put into practice lead to vanity, self-assuredness, pride, "power for power’s sake"
A Christian word that does not have its vital roots in Jesus "is a Christian word without Christ and without Christ, Christian words deceive, they hurt." "This also divides us among ourselves, it creates division in the Church."

Vatican City (AsiaNews) A Christian word "without Christ leads to vanity, to being overly self assured, to pride, to power for power's sake. And the Lord puts these people down". This is how Pope Francis explained the parable proposed by the liturgy of the day. Jesus rebukes the Pharisees saying that they may know the commandments, but do not implement them in their lives , "they are good words ," but if they are not put into practice "not only are they unnecessary, but they hurt: They deceive us, they make us believe that we have a beautiful home, but without any foundation". A house that is not built on the rock.

"This figure of the rock refers to the Lord. In the First Reading Isaiah says : ' Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord is an eternal rock' . The rock is Jesus Christ ! The rock is the Lord ! A word is strong, gives life, can go on, can withstand all attacks, if this word has its roots in Jesus Christ. A Christian word that does not have its vital roots in the life of a person, Jesus Christ, is a Christian word without Christ ! And the Christian words without Christ deceive, they hurt ! An English writer once said, speaking of heresies, that heresy is a truth, a word, a truth which has gone mad. When Christian words are without Christ they set out on the path of this madness ".

A madness that leads to pride, said the Pope. "A Christian word without Christ leads to vanity, to being overly self assured, to pride, to power for power's sake. And the Lord puts these people down. This is a constant in the history of salvation. Anna , the mother of Samuel, says so; Mary in the Magnificat says so: the Lord puts down the vanity and pride of those people who believe themselves to be the rock. These people who only follow a word, but without Jesus Christ: maybe even a Christian word, but without Jesus Christ , without a relationship with Jesus Christ, without prayer with Jesus Christ, without service to Jesus Christ, without love for Jesus Christ. This is what the Lord tells us today: to build our life on this rock and the rock is Him".

"It would do us good to examine our conscience - the Pope said - to understand "what our words are like" if "we believe they are powerful", able" to give us salvation" or "if they are words with Jesus Christ"."I refer to the Christian words, because when Jesus Christ is missing this too divides us, creates division in the Church. Let us ask the Lord for the grace to help us in this humility, that we must always have, to say Christian words in Jesus Christ, not without Jesus Christ. With this humility to be disciples and not to go ahead with words, which we believe to be powerful, but only end up in the madness of vanity, in the madness of pride. May the Lord give us the grace of humility to say words with Jesus Christ, founded on Jesus Christ".