Japanese Church calls on the faithful to donate as much as possible to help the Philippines
In a letter to Japan's Filipino community and to the country's Catholic parishes, the president of the Episcopal Commission for Migrants and Refugees highlights the "great help" provided by the Philippines following the 2011 disaster. In it, he expresses a desire to "do the same". All donations will go to Caritas Japan, which will distribute them in the areas affected by Typhoon Yolanda.

Tokyo (AsiaNews) - The Church and the Japanese people "recall how we received a huge amount of aid from the Philippines after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. We also remember with gratitude that Filipino communities in Japan engaged in aid activities with us as the members of the Church of Japan. [. . .] We pray that relief activities and reconstruction can be carried out at the earliest possible date," wrote Mgr Michael Goro Matsuura, auxiliary bishop of Osaka and president of the Episcopal Commission for Migrants and Refugees, in a letter to the Filipino community in Japan and to the country's parishes.

In the first part of the letter, addressed to the Filipinos in Japan, the bishop wrote, "It was with great sorrow that we heard that Typhoon Yolanda took a huge number of people's lives and inflicted serious damage in the Philippines. [. . .]

"Many of you who have family members, relatives or friends in the affected areas are, I am sure, deeply worried because it is hard to obtain detailed information from remote areas. We pray for those who lost their lives and those who are still suffering due to this typhoon.

"We Japanese recall how we received a huge amount of aid from the Philippines after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. We also remember with gratitude that Filipino communities in Japan engaged in aid activities with us as the members of the Church of Japan. We would like to make the utmost effort to show the same solidarity in the latest typhoon disaster."

In addition of praying for smooth reconstruction and care for the wounded, Mgr Goro called on Japanese Catholics to show solidarity. In the second part of the letter, he addressed the country's parishes, writing, "Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Parishes of Japan,

"Various aid activities for the victims of Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines such as fund-raising campaigns are underway in many places. In the Church of Japan, all donations are sent to Caritas Japan to be forwarded to the Philippines. Basically, donations from the Catholic Commission of Japan for Migrants, Refugees and People on the Move are also included in these contributions.

"In addition, Filipino communities in Japan are already engaging in their own aid activities, including charity concerts and bazaars in various regions. We would like to support their spontaneous activities as much as possible in solidarity with them. To that end, your contributions will be deeply appreciated."