Pope: safeguard our “smallness" to dialogue with the greatness of the Lord
God, who has a "personal" relationship with each of us always chooses the little ones, "the weak and the meek, to confound the mighty of the earth", He looks at our humility, "Christian faithfulness, our faithfulness is simply safeguarding our smallness, so that it can communicate with the Lord".

Vatican City ( AsiaNews) - We must safeguard our "smallness" to dialogue with the greatness of the Lord and "chooses the little ones", said Pope Francis today during morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta.  He pointed out that God always chooses the little ones, those who have less power because He looks to our humility, because "Christian faithfulness, our faithfulness, is simply safeguarding our smallness, so that it can dialogue with the Lord".

Vatican Radio reports that the Pope highlighted how "the Lord's relationship with his people is a personal relationship"; "always, from person to person". He "is the Lord and the people have a name", "it is not a dialogue between the powerful and the masses." It is a 'personal' dialogue. "Within a nation of people, each person has a place. The Lord never speaks to people as if to the masses, never. He always speaks personally, by name. And He personally chooses.  The account of creation shows this: it is the same Lord who with his own hands makes man and gives him a name: 'your name is Adam'.  Thus begins the relationship between God and the person. And another thing, there is a relationship between God and little ones: God, the great, and we the small. God, when he has to choose people, even his own people, always choose the small".

God chooses His people because they are the "least", they have "less power" than other peoples. There really is a "dialogue between God and the human smallness". Even the Virgin says, "The Lord has looked upon my humility". The Lord "chose the small". In the first reading today, the Pope said, "you see this attitude of the Lord , of course". Samuel the prophet stands before the eldest son of Jesse and thinks he is "his anointed, because he was a tall, big". But the Lord says "do not look at his appearance or his height", and adds: "I have rejected him because what man sees does not matter ". In fact, "man sees the appearance but the Lord looks at the heart. The Lord chooses according to his criteria".  He chooses "the weak and the meek, to confound the mighty of the earth". And "chooses David , the youngest", who "did not count for his father". "He was not at home," he was "guarding the sheep". Yet, David "was elected".

"All of us in Baptism we have been elected by the Lord. Everyone is elected. He chose us one by one. He gave US a name and looks at us. There is a dialogue, because that is how the Lord loves. Even then David became king and was wrong. He was often wrong perhaps, but the Bible tells us only of two big mistakes, two really big mistakes. What did David do? He humbled himself. He returned to his smallness and said: ' I am a sinner '.  He asked for forgiveness and did penance".

And after the second sin, David said to the Lord: "Punish me, not the people. The people are not to blame, I am guilty". David "safeguarded his smallness, with repentance, with prayer, with tears". "Thinking about these things, this dialogue between the Lord and our smallness", "I wonder where our Christian faithfulness is".

"Christian faithfulness, our faithfulness is precisely this: safeguarding our smallness , so that it can dialogue with the Lord. Cherish our smallness. Because humility, gentleness, meekness are so important in Christian life, because in safeguarding our smallness , which the Lord looks for, there will always be a dialogue between our smallness and greatness of the Lord. May the Lord give us, through the intercession of Saint David - also through the intercession of the Virgin Mary who sang joyfully to God, because he had looked upon her humility - the grace to keep our littleness before Him".