Vatican City (
AsiaNews) - In all likelihood it will be Francis Pope to beatify the 124 new
Korean martyrs. Yesterday,
the Pope authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the
decree confirming the "martyrdom of the Servants of God Paul Yun Ji-
chung, layman, and 123 companions, killed in hatred of the faith in Korea
between 1791 and in 1888".
local church has been waiting for this decision. John
Paul II opened the path towards the altar of the saints for the group in 2003
when he proclaimed them Servants of God
his first visit to Korea in 1984, the same Polish Pope canonized the priest,
Andrew Kim and 102 other martyrs.
epic of the Korean Martyrs - from 1785 until 1882 more than 10 thousand Catholics
were killed, only 10 of whom foreigners - is a source of inspiration and
renewal for the Church in Korea that dedicates the month of September to
worship and to pilgrimage
to the places of martyrdom.
July a "rosary
marathon" was held, asking God to grant the beatification of Paul Yun
and his companions.
decree of beatification yesterday makes a visit of Pope Francis to Korea increasingly
likely. Sources
have told AsiaNews that the
beatification should take place on August 15. The
Pope should be in South Korea from August 13 to celebrate the grand opening
Mass of the Asian Youth Day, to be held in Daejon and whose theme will be:
"Asian Youth! Wake up! The glory of the martyrs shines of you".
recent months, AsiaNews has
presented some of the lives of these witnesses of Christ.