Pope: Christians of the Beatitudes, salt of the earth and light of the world, for the sick too
At the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis invites and urges all Christians to be "shining lights not lights that have gone out" to bring the "light of Christ” to all. Thanks to healthcare professionals ("Thank you very much for your valuable work!") ahead of the World Day of the Sick. Prayers for families who have sick members: "Do not be afraid of fragility". Greetings for the athletes and organizers of the Winter Olympics in Sochi (Russia). Closeness to all those affected by natural disasters.

Vatican City ( AsiaNews ) - Christians must be "the salt of the earth and the light of the world", "as a consequence of the Beatitudes", making "humanity fruitful" with a "Christian and generous attitude towards the sick".  This was Pope Francis' message to pilgrims gathered in St Peter's Square for the Angelus, in commenting on the Sunday Gospel (V Sunday during the year, Matthew 5, 13-16).

In saying to his disciples, "You are the salt of the earth ... You are the light of the world", "He wants to say: if you are poor in spirit, meek, pure in heart, merciful ... you'll be the salt of the earth and the light of the world".

"Christians - he continued - ... , receive a mission in regard to all humanity: with faith and with love they can direct, consecrate, and make fruitful all humanity. We are all missionary disciples, and we are called to become in the world a living Gospel: by living a holy life we can add 'flavor' to the different environments and defend them from corruption, as salt does.  We can bring the light of Christ through a witness to genuine charity. But if Christians lose flavor and [if their light goes out], their presence loses its effectiveness".

"The Christian - the Pope added in unscripted remarks - is always bright, always communicates this light, a light that is not his own, but comes from God, but I would like to ask you: how do you want to live? Like a shining light or a light that has gone out? God gives us this light and we give it to others".

After the Marian prayer, the Pope recalled that the World Day of the Sick will be celebrated in two days time (February 11, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes), which this year has as its theme " Faith and charity:" We must also give our lives for the brethren "(1 Jn 3:16)".

"We too can imitate Christ's attitude toward the sick of all kinds", said the Pope.  "The Lord cares for us all, He shares in our suffering and opens our heart to hope ..... The generous and Christian attitude towards the sick is the salt of the earth and light of the world".

The Pope cited the important mission of health care professionals, "what precious work! Thank you so much for your valuable work! Every day in their encounter with the sick, the see not only bodies marked by fragility, but people, for whom they provide care and appropriate responses. The dignity of the person can never be reduced to their faculties or capabilities and is not lessened when people become weak, invalid, and in need of help".

He then added: "I also think of the families, where caring for those who are sick is normal, even though sometimes situations may be hard... Many people write to me, and today I would like to ensure all those families of my special prayer, and I say them, do not be afraid of fragility!  Help one another with love, and you will feel the comforting presence of God ... May the Virgin Mary help us ... , and obtain peace and comfort for all who suffer".

Francis then addressed a greeting to the organizers and athletes gathered in Sochi (Russia) for the Winter Olympics, "with the hope that it is a true celebration of sport and friendship".

After saying goodbye to some of the groups present, he assured them of his prayers "for those who are suffering damage and difficulties due to natural disasters in various countries. Nature challenges us to care for and be attentive to the protection of Creation, in order to prevent, where possible, such grave consequences".

At the end, before his by now traditional farewell of "have a good lunch", the Pope added: "Before I take my leave of you, the question I put to you earlier comes back to mind: Shining lights or lights that have gone out? A Christian is a shining light, and carries the light of Christ".