Sri Lanka, Christian activists: With John XXIII, defending human rights
by Melani Manel Perera
The Christian Solidarity Movement (CSM ) celebrates the 51st anniversary of the Encyclical Pacem in Terris by the Roncalli Pope. The the arrest of Fr. Praveen and Catholic activist Ruki Fernando, "guilty of giving voice to the oppressed".

Colombo ( AsiaNews) - "Tamil priest, Fr. Praveen Mahesan and Sinhalese activist Ruki Fernando, are authentic Christians. They give voice to the oppressed of Sri Lanka, as preached by Pope John XXIII, in Pacem in Terris through which he invited people to lead peaceful and united lives".  The witness of these two Catholic activists - arrested last March - is being remembered by the Christian Solidarity Movement (CSM) which celebrated the 51st anniversary of the landmark encyclical of Blessed Pope Roncalli, published on April 11, 1963.

In a sign of unity and welcome for the teachings promoted in Pacem in Terris , the meeting was conducted in Sinhala and Tamil - the two official languages ​​of Sri Lanka - and was attended by about 50 people, including priests, nuns and lay people. The April 11 event alternated moments of prayer and  meditation with discussion, and it was dedicated to all the human rights activists working in Sri Lanka.

These would include Fr. Praveen and Ruki Fernando, arrested by the national counter-terrorism unit for having asked about Balendran Jeyakumari, the Tamil rights activist arrested along with 13 year old daughter on charges of harboring a criminal. Present at the ceremony, Fernando could not intervene because of a restraining order that forbids him to make statements and to speak with the press.

The conference was opened by Fr. Sherard Jayawardana, who spoke of John XXIII and how Pacem in Terris is still relevant to the social, political and economic sphere today.

Sister Rasika Fernando of the Congregation of the Holy Family, said that " you cannot live Lent without a sense of worry about the oppressed and violations of human rights. As Christians we cannot just be faithful to our rituals: fasting and praying.  What use can we make use of our spiritual life if we do not put in the service of the needy?" .

On April 27 , Pope John XXIII will be canonized along with Pope John Paul II.